It’s NARN Out Here For A Pimp

Today, the Northern Alliance Radio Network – America’s first grass-roots talk radio show – is on the air! I will be on from 1-3PM today!

Today on the show,

  • I’ll be talking with Rep. Ron Kresha and Senator Roger Chamberlain about the not so special session.
  • I’ll be talking with author Mitch Berg about his upcoming book, “Trulbert“,
  • We’ll have a conversation with Mike Patterson of King assistance.

Don’t forget – King Banaian is on from 9-11AM on AM1570, and Brad Carlson has “The Closer” edition of the NARN Sundays from 1-3PM.

So tune in the Northern Alliance! You have so many options:

Join us!

3 thoughts on “It’s NARN Out Here For A Pimp

  1. You’re holding a conversation with yourself?

    Is this book being published by a real publisher, or is this a vanity press style effort?

    From what I’ve seen so far, not your bestest creative work, Trulbert — and I do think you have both an excellent quality and quantity of creativity and an equally excellent ability to write as a larger context for that observation.

  2. You’re holding a conversation with yourself?

    Who do you think I am, Phil Hendrie?

    Is this book being published by a real publisher, or is this a vanity press style effort?

    “Vanity publishing” is kind an antiquated term; it means “pay for your own publishing costs”, and implies that only people who can’t get published do it. The publishing industry has changed, and “vanity publishing” doesn’t exist as such any more. Publishing has become much more entrepreneurial. My father, for example, has published five books since he retired. He’s marketed them himself (although regional bookstores have carried all his titles). He’s turned a modest profit on all of them (although that was never his motivation), enough to publish his next book.

    But Trulbert is coming out on Amazon.

    From what I’ve seen so far, not your bestest creative work, Trulbert — and I do think you have both an excellent quality and quantity of creativity and an equally excellent ability to write as a larger context for that observation.

    Well, I appreciate the critique, although since the book hasn’t been released yet (the version on the blog was very much a rough draft), I’m not sure how you reach that conclusion. And others disagree. Well, two others.

    Anyway, it’s the best book I’ve released. So far.

    But thanks for stopping by.

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