
Joe Doakes from Como Park emails:

The media is full of news about ISIS attacks. The President wants authority to bomb ISIL.

Wait a minute – that’s not the same name. Did I miss a corporate merger, or is the President using shyster tricks to limit his request to The People’s Front of Judea while ignoring the Judean People’s Front and all the other Crack Suicide Squads? “So sorry, can’t do anything about that group, they’re not ISIL, hands are tied, damn those Republicans.”

With George Bush, I never had these doubts.

Joe Doakes

On the one hand, it’s good to bespecific about ones’ enemies, since it’s easy to create more of them.

On the other hand, one doesn’t get the impression that’s why the Obama Administration is being obtuse…

6 thoughts on “Branding

  1. “With George Bush, I never had these doubts.”
    Yes, it does make one long for the ‘good old days’ doesn’t it Joe. ;^)

  2. ISIL- Islamic State in the Levant
    ISIS- Islamic State in Iraq and Syria
    I’ve heard different reasons for for Obama’s use of ISIL.
    The tinfoil hat theory is that the Levant is larger than Iraq and Syria, and by using ISIL Obama is purposely legitimizing the group’s claim to a larger are.
    The non crazy reasontheoryat Obama doesn’t want to highlight his failure in Syria (and Iraq) by using ISIS.
    Considering how much emphasis this administration has consistently put on trying to control the debate through language, I’ll give you one guess to pick the theory I subscribe to.

  3. I’ll second the above theory and add that Professor Obama has consistently used the language to give himself an air of superiority (even when he’s blatantly incorrect in his usage) by being the person in the conversation who stubbornly uses the King’s English while the rest of us groundlings use the common tongue.

    Remember “Pah-ke-stan?”

  4. Answer is much simpler: Levant includes Israel. This way, 0 is setting the stage for pinning terrorism tendencies of the ISIL organization on the their Israeli wing. I am sure you have seen reports that Iran is already saying ISIL is funded by CIA and Israel.

  5. Forget that our President refuses to say ISIS, I’m just waiting for him or ANY media outlet to refer to these monsters as Muslim terrorists. The fluff words of “violent extremists” used by the media are gutless. And by the way, since Rep. Keith Ellison has blocked me from Twitter, could someone ask him to explain his comment in the StarTribune on how “Muslims are the victims of terrorism” as they are performing the beheadings? Thanks.

  6. I’ve personally had my doubts about Bush, actually, but it’s nowhere near as bad as Soetoro. I am hoping that he simply has the willful blindness that I know Hahvid grads can have and is not malevolent in his intentions.

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