Compare And Contrast

In the State of the Union, President Obama poo-poohed the jobs that would be created by the Keystone XL pipeline as “temporary construction jobs”.

Yet six years ago, his “economic recovery plan” relied on “shovel ready” “infrastructure” jobs that were also “temporary construction jobs” (except for the “permanent government management” jobs, which would go as patronage to members of the political class, natch).

And at the speech, the President asked “Why not have thirty times as many…” of what?  Temporary construction jobs working on “infrastructure” (along with thousands more patronage gigs administering the mess).

5 thoughts on “Compare And Contrast

  1. Obama’s not interested in “infrastructure” that involves construction. His “infrastructure” is “renewable energy” (inefficient), and “transportation projects” like buses and choo-choos designed to herd people into confines where they can be more reliably controlled and led.

  2. Those “temporary construction jobs,” no doubt many of them requiring a high level of skill and training, with wages proportionate, probably look pretty good to the person whose family is living off on their last month of unemployment benefits, IRA/ retirement funds, or other last ditch sources.

    Certainly he’d prefer to have a standing army of 30 hr. per week, minimum wage-earning, unskilled litter pickers and rubble pilers, umbilically attached to Pickers and Pilers Local #360 and the Dems. Toss them a quarter or two every year or so and they’ll vote democrat as long as they live … and long after that …

  3. The Keystone XL pipeline will create fewer permanent jobs in the United States than a single McDonald’s restaurant. Building a new supermarket would do a lot more for commerce, services and jobs. ;^)

  4. “The Keystone XL pipeline will create fewer permanent jobs in the United States than a single McDonald’s restaurant”

    So where did you get that? I’m gonna bet “ThinkProgress” or “Crooks and Liars” or “Vox”.

  5. The Keystone XL pipeline controversy is a farce. Both proponents and opponents overstate their positions. Environmentalists have doctored the numbers to suit their propaganda needs and unnecessarily demonized Canadian producers. In the same spirit, proponents have over–stated the “jobs creation” aspect of the Keystone XL project. This project will be similar to any other high volume pipeline. Just a few maintenance workers and a lot of computer monitors, pressure sensors, and cameras. Keystone XL is what Ottawa wants to sell to Washington. Keystone is vital to Canadian strategic interests, not America’s. Keystone’s end product will be sold on the world market.

    On the other hand, I’m more pro energy security and renewable energy than most, and also happen to be concerned about anthropogenic climate change. I also work in the industry and understand just how much time it takes to turn our infrastructure around. Tar sands represent the scraping of the bottom of the petroleum barrel.

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