Things You Can Count On

There are some things in this world you can just plain count on.

Every 5-6 years, the Bears will need to go through a demoralizing re-building era.

Mark Dayton will shunt responsibility for everything – including things that are legitimately his job – off on others.

And when the world needs a short, sharp lesson on how big-state “progressivism” doesn’t and can’t ever work, the Greeks will come along and provide it.


And again.

2 thoughts on “Things You Can Count On

  1. Ah yes, Syriza. Funny how that works. They’re promising to get the EU to fully fund Greek pensions, to fully subsidize Greek utilities for all citizens, food subsidies, and an end to debt payments. All well and good and popular with Greeks, but the guys who would be paying for all that largess, the Germans, are saying “Wass zum Tuefel?!”

    You see, the socialists in Greek have run out of other Greeks’ money and are now on to running out of EU money. But in their fevered dreams, because they want socialism to work soooooo badly, it will all work out and Germans will be happy to pay for a better Greece. Or something like that.

  2. More election promises to be funded by unicorn farts. Sadly, when the house of cards collapses they’ll just say it would’ve worked with more money. Depressingly, a enough people will believe them and put them back into power.

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