8 thoughts on “#BlackLivesMatter…

  1. 445 homicides YTD
    77.3% are black victims
    only 8.6% of the identified perpetrators are white
    10.7% of the lethal agents are police

    as long as the black community keeps abdicating their moral responsibility to race whores like Jackson, Holder, Sharpton, and locally Bill Davis & Keith Ellison they should expect no abatement in these numbers. Meanwhile Holder, Sharpton, Jackson, &Co will continue to get richer on the backs of their own people – what paragons!

    Minneapolis is a single party town just like Chicago. Minneapolis this is your future.

  2. I went to West high school in the late 1970s. At that time it was 60% black, 20% native american, and 20% white. This does not make me an expert on race relations, but it does mean that I have spent far more time around poor black folks than pretty much any white liberal.
    Those people believe all kinds of weird shit. The FBI killed MLK. The CIA invented AIDS to kill black people. Racial resentment and paranoia among poor black folks is about as high as it is among members of the KKK.
    Black leaders know this and exploit it. I suppose many white people in the journalism biz know it, but they will never mention it.
    The last thing liberals want is an honest discussion about race. Blacks would not come out of it looking good.

  3. Totally off-topic, but in the spirit of retiring Senator Tom Coburn telling the world how highly he thinks of President Obama………and how conformity of opinion is not a requisite to friendship, wishing you and the Mitchketeers a Merry Christmas.

    On topic, there are some flaws in the assumptions about Chicago and violence. I don’t believe this year is a particularly dramatic change from last year.

    “Despite the familiar media refrain that Chicago is the nation’s murder capital, the “windy city” does not even qualify as one of the nation’s top 25 most dangerous cities for homicide. Yes, in sheer numbers Chicago leads the nation’s cities in murders, but its per capita murder rate is lower than forty other cities with populations above 40,000 residents. In 2011, the last year where records have been tabulated to compare cities, according to FBI statistics, Chicago, with a per capita murder rate of 15.9/per 100,000 residents, ranked behind over three dozen other American cities.

    In 2011, the city’s murder rate was less than half that of the cities of New Orleans (57.6/per 100,00), Detroit (48.2) and St. Louis (35.3). Chicago’s homicide rate was also lower than such unremarkable cities as Ft. Myers, FL (31.7) Pine Bluff, AR (24.3), Dayton, OH (23.3) Rocky Mount, NC (20.6), Gulfport, MS (17.6) and Harrisburg, PA (16.1). Although Chicago has a reputation for being a deadly city, a resident’s odds of being murdered there in a given year are about 1 in 6250. By comparison, a New Orleans resident has roughly a 1 in 1750 chance of being killed in a homicide over a twelve month period. Thus, a New Orleans resident is more than three times as likely to become a murder victim in his hometown than a resident of Chicago.

    Gun control opponents have often seized on Chicago as their example to “prove” that gun control is a total failure, by repeating the false claim that it has the nation’s highest murder rate. While Chicago is indeed a relatively violent city, the fact that it ranks behind a number of other cities with more relaxed gun laws, at least calls into question the logic of that argument. In addition, it should be noted that Chicago’s record year for homicides was 1974 when they had 970 murders, well above the total of 506 recorded last year.”

    Brekhus is an excellent researcher and statistician; I’ll have to ask him if he’s done any work specifically on Chicago and the 2014 stats.

    But not until after the holidays. I am currently trying to resist the allure of aromas, including what I believe is authentic Norwegian fruit soup.

    I’ll enjoy that while basking in the pleasure of Darrel Issa’s twin findings – no Benghazi scandal, and no IRA scandal either, on Obama’s doorstep.

  4. I suspect your wish was tongue-in-cheek, Emery, but I’ll take it. My son and daughter-in-law from North Carolina are visiting and we want her to have the Minnesota toboggan experience. Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow!!!

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