Settled Pseudoscience

Joe Doakes from Como Park emails:

Another flawed, biased, incorrect study by big-shot economists proving the raising the minimum wagehurts poor people most.

Clearly deniers.  Won’t admit settled science.  Overwhelming consensus of experts in the field.  Like Hilary.

Joe Doakes

Like – what was Nick Coleman’s version of it?  Like peasants attacking the observatory with pitchforks and torches?

2 thoughts on “Settled Pseudoscience

  1. Actually looks like an interesting paper. Biggest issue will be how they correct for different impact of recession in various states. Of course, unlike global warming, there are also lots of other peer-reviewed published papers that suggest a different conclusion.

  2. Good point, Rick. That new NOAA drought study wasn’t peer-reviewed, possibly because gatekeepers like Michael Mann won’t allow any dissenting voices to be heard.

    At least economists can have an open debate. Not that you’d know there WAS a debate, to hear Democrats talk.

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