8 thoughts on “Word Of The Day

  1. She did contribute 5 reciepies to a book called “Pow Wow Chow”. One was called “Cold Omelets with Crab Meat”. Now, before you say “hey, those Okey Cherokees were very cosmopolitian”, well, it turns out she plazerized the reciepies from the New York Times.

    No, this is not from The Onion, but really happened.

  2. Okay, I’ll say it. Sarah Palan is married to a Native-American. Imagine the front page stories if she had done something like this. You would still be reading about it almost every day.

  3. Turns out she plagiarized three of the five recipes she submitted. I think she’s a good shot for the veep slot, as Slow Joe Biden infamously plagiarized Neil Kinnock of the Labour Party in England a bit back.


    It’s also worth noting that the recipes, containing a number of fairly exclusive, clearly Old World and maritime ingredients, are not exactly what one would guess would make their appearance in Cherokee kitchens a few generations ago, and that these recipes are what appears in some fairly ritzy New York and New England restaurants.

    In other words, they’re about as “authentic Indian” as Fauxcohontas herself. And we can count on the media to continue ignoring her decades-long pattern of lying and fraud. Definite veep material for the Democrats.

  4. Warren has a lot of baggage. Bad scholarship, shady real estate deals . . . but the ‘unbiased’ MSM loves her. She has already begun to get the kind of treatment the MSM gave Obama in 2008.

  5. Gary:

    Shouldn’t the words be, “Exploratory Committee”?

    Walter Hanson
    Minneapolis, MN

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