The Shorter “Every Liberal In Minnesota Responds To The Oasis Cafe’s Listing Its ‘Minimum Wage Fee’ On Its’ Receipts”

EVERY LIBERAL IN MINNESOTA:  “Clearly the owner of the cafe hates his employees, because he’s making the minimum wage an issue on his receipts.  So we’ll show our concern for the employees by boycotting the place and trying to put the employees out of work”.


7 thoughts on “The Shorter “Every Liberal In Minnesota Responds To The Oasis Cafe’s Listing Its ‘Minimum Wage Fee’ On Its’ Receipts”

  1. Lets not forget in 2010 in what some people said was a self inflicted wound Emmer was attacked to death for wanting something called a tip credit.

    Walter Hanson
    Minneapolis, MN

  2. Just think if McDonalds can put out a flyer that says if a minimum wage of $15 hour per hour was adopted this is what prices will have to be they will be attacked even though they are trying to warn consumers what the new prices will be.

    Walter Hanson
    Minneapolis, MN

  3. And it just went national, Prager’s leading off today’s show with it.

  4. They want to pay for a better Minnesota, but they don’t want to see, firsthand, where that money comes from. They added a transit tax of .05 percent here in Rochester, and I was sorely tempted to do this exact same thing on our store receipts, because NOBODY comes to our store using public transit.

  5. THEY don’t want to pay for a better Minnesota, they want YOU (or at least someone not them) to pay for a better Minnesota.

  6. You mean people don’t ride the bus to buy furniture, Yoss?

    Shocker, that. And I’m thinking most of the people making the most noise about this want OTHER people to pay for a better Minnesota, not themselves.

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