Too Late The Hero

Joe Doakes from Como Park emails:

President Obama wants to get tough on immigration but those darn Republicans won’t let him.  He has asked Congress to let him borrow an extra $3.7 Billion to beef up border patrols and speed up deportation cases.

No mention of the President’s career-long opposition to immigration reform, his decision to sue Arizona in 2010 to stop the state from getting tough on illegal immigrants, or his decision four weeks ago to stop deportations and give work permits to millions of student-aged illegal immigrants.  Here’s where the money goes, 90% for resettlement and public defenders so illegal immigrants can stay in the country.

I wonder why Republicans don’t believe this latest offer is sincere?  They must be racisssssssssssssss

Joe Doakes

What other answer could there be?

No, seriously – after almost six years, you’d think they could come up with another defamatory deflection…

9 thoughts on “Too Late The Hero

  1. “I wonder why Republicans don’t believe this latest offer is sincere? They must be racisssssssssssssss”

    Obviously. Just today, Fox News showed a sound-bite of Attorney General Holder bemoaning the republicans, and others who oppose him, whose motives in doing so are partly due to the same thing; the R word …

  2. Bengazi, IRS, Border Crisis, Executive Overreach, Fast and Furious – these are not important. Now, an Obama toilet float, THAT’s what keeps Holder up at night!

  3. I hear the ACLU is suing to get legal representation for all illegal immigrants. Instead of going through the motions, why don’t we just send a check to the lawyers with a note from Obama: “don’t forget the quid pro quo.”

  4. A little off topic, but related to extreme libidiot stupidity. Mossberg announced today that it was tired of Connecticut’s anti second amendment stance/policies, so they will be moving to Texas!

  5. I wonder if the US could finance the temporary (I hope) care, transport, etc. of the illegals by a deduction the costs from the annual amount of financial aid we give to Mexico and all points south of it?

    I also can’t help but wonder why, if the US is considered by the progressives to be such a corrupt, violent, deadly, gun-infested battle ground, particularly when compared to our more civilized global neighbors, we just shipped a bunch of illegal aliens deep into the deadly US, and some even to Chicago? Isn’t that akin to signing their death warrants?

    Clearly, the illegals had no idea that escaping crime, violence, corruption, and poverty of their homelands cannot be done here in the most evil country in the world. Might they be able to sue President Obama for false advertising? Or maybe some type of criminal endangerment? At least for the Chicago bunch?

  6. Ten percent of all living Mexican citizens live in the United States. Most of them are poor and do not have a high school education.
    Shocking, isn’t it?
    Who the Hell voted for this? What shitty excuse for a republic do we live in?
    I am thinking of adding a hyphen and a hispanic name to the name on my birth certificate, maybe then the damn government will pay attention to me.

  7. How about Gitmo? Get rid of the prisoners, spruce the place up, and create a temporary holding station similar to Ellis Island.

    I suspect that back then they chose an island for more that an island’s breezes and sea views …

  8. I know! Let’s ship them all to Norway!!!!

    How about Vatican? Pope would surely like to follow up with action where his mouth is leading.

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