I Guess This Means Obamacare Is Irrelevant To Me, Eh?

Mary Landrieu of Louisiana, in debate with John Thune of South Dakota.

That’s South Dakota.  The one to the south:

A smart fence which is what Senator McCain and I want to build – since he’s from Arizona, I think he knows more about this than the Senator from South Dakota, who only has a border with Canada that is quite different.

Leave aside the logical fallacy -border state congresscritters are just as clueless about our sovereignty as anyone else – huh?

I was apparently born in Canada, and not one of the lower 57.  Who knew?

Remember – they’re the smart party.

13 thoughts on “I Guess This Means Obamacare Is Irrelevant To Me, Eh?

  1. Even the work “South” is in the name. But I suppiose they all look alike to her.

  2. Prince, he got it from The Other Onion, aka The Congressional Daily Record. She said it on the floor of the Senate a year ago, while arguing against building a border fence to keep illegal aliens from crossing into Arizona from Mexico.

  3. God and I thought work at the DoDE was depressing. I’m starting to lose faith in the American public if this is the best they can get to represent them.

  4. Mitch, that’s aboat what I’d say, too. And it’s probably part of why Tim Horton’s is coming to Minot, too, eh?

  5. might have been a Freudian slip too. Democrats don’t want to acknowledge North Dakota because of their oil boom. I think they just found another field out there and have determined there is more recoverable oil there than in all of Saudi Arabia

  6. You have to excuse Landrieux. She ended up being taught geography from a union public educator. The whole north/south paradigm was PRESENTED to her, but she was never asked to demonstrate a mastery – but she did receive a nice ‘participation trophy’ we sometimes call a diploma.

  7. Stink, actually she attended Ursuline Academy, a Catholic school. So she really ought to know better.

    Another thing where she ought to know better is to understand that any technology that requires human interaction, like a smart fence, can always be subverted by that same human interaction. I have no objection to a smart fence, but only if it’s behind a very real fence consisting of a vehicle barrier backed by a barrier to people.

    So she either wants any border fence to be subverted (thanks for wasting our money, Senatress), or she doesn’t know of the weaknesses of the solution she proposes. Either ought to be sufficient to return her to the private sector and a job she may be more qualified for, like Wal-Mart greeter.

    No insult intended to the good employees of Wal-Mart, of course.

  8. She ended up being taught geography from a union public educator.

    So was I. I was also taught writing and public speaking by a union public educator – my dad. As good a teacher as ever taught anywhere, public or private.

    she attended Ursuline Academy, a Catholic school. So she really ought to know better.

    Not sure these days that the Catholic education system is all that different than the public system.

  9. The reason they want a ‘smart fence’ is because it can be turned on and off at will. Reduce funding and it simply goes away, with few people aware that anything has changed.
    BTW, does anyone believe that if amnesty passes, any further effort will be made to keep out illegals?
    If we have amnesty and a “guest worker’ program forced on us, what makes anyone believe that the new limits will be enforced? What will be true about these new limits that is not true about the existing limits?

  10. Mitch–Catholic schools today may be indistinguishable from the government schools, but 40 years back? Back then they were still teaching Latin and Logic, though it doesn’t seem to have done Senatress Landrieu much good.

    Powhatan; exactly. Now why spend good money on such a system, then?

  11. Mitch;

    What bike said.

    I have several friends that attended Catholic schools until they were freshman, which was 1969. The geographically challenged Landrieu, is old enough to have benefited from that education. That said, being part of the communist left wing propaganda machine, seems to dumb down most of them. You know, like 57 states.

  12. Forgot the best one that is somewhat geographical, but more an illustration of the dumbed down left:

    “Won’t that island (Guam) tip over from all of the extra troops”?

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