
Joe Doakes from Como Park emails:


Milton Berle teamed up with Spike Jones and the City Slickers to release “Leave the Dishes In The Sink, Ma” in 1944.

The lyrics provide a glimpse of life for ordinary Americans in the war years.  First, it’s a big deal that our kid is coming home from the war alive, as a Sergeant no less.  Cause to celebrate.

Second, we’ll invite all the neighbors to the party; but what to feed them?  There’s baloney, cheese, pickles in the icebox, and cider in the keg in the cellar.  What, that’s the best you can do, that’s your version of killing the fatted calf?  Well, yeah, in those days, it was.

It was an entirely different world, barely imaginable to people living in America today.

And still, that life that to us is austere is unquestionably better than the life of most of the people around the globe.  The water was safe to drink, easily had.  There was food.  Roof over their heads.  Those who wish to remake America in the image of the rest of the globe, ponder that.

Joe Doakes

The presumption on the part of so much of the Big Left that America would be a great experiment, if it were only socialist, is Obama’s most toxic legacy.

4 thoughts on “Austerity

  1. “The presumption on the part of so much of the Big Left that America would be a great experiment, if it were only socialist,…”
    I think – in fact based on the dachas ‘owned’ by Communist Party officials in the old Soviet Union I know, that these people wish that we were Socialist so that they would live in luxury while we proles wait in line for bread and toilet paper. They put out stories about how well the government provides for us proles – if only we proles were properly educated/re-educated on how we benefit ( ).
    Hugo Chavez died with a $2Billion estate while his people starved (and are still starving despite >$110 per barrel oil) to promote glorious socialism. It’s giving todays socialists in the Democrat Party something to shoot for.

  2. “They put out stories about how well the government provides for us proles.”

    I think that’s what I saw over the weekend from the media dancing bears regarding the Green Line.

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