Doakes Sunday: Sprung

Joe Doakes from Como Park emails:

You can’t keep convicted murderers locked up for life, it’s intolerable.  They must be allowed day passes to stretch their legs, enjoy life a bit.  They generally come back to prison.  Not all of them, but many.

Sheesh, where is this prison, Stalag 13? Monty Python wouldn’t try this skit, nobody would believe it.

Joe Doakes

The good news?  It’s just the Brits.

The bad news?  The Brits are our canary, and we’re down in the same exact coal mine.

One thought on “Doakes Sunday: Sprung

  1. Joe:

    What a horrible insult to the Stalag 13 camp. The Germans were trying to stop prisoners from escaping. They took roll calls and made an effort to account for every prisoner. Mind you one reason why Stalag 13 was considered tough was because the Allies (Hogan and his gang) weren’t allowing official escapes (they did rotate prisoners out of the camp keeping the number the same). The Brits based on the example you gave are far worse at prisoner security than Stalag 13.

    Walter Hanson
    Minneapolis, MN

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