Sack Of Garbage

Joe Doakes from Como Park emails:

Excellent job of capturing what the DFL thinks about Ambassador Stevens’ dead body being dragged through the streets of Benghazi as a result of the failure of Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama’s Middle East policy.

Courtesy Star Tribune

Joe Doakes

Two points:

  • Editorial cartoonists trend left – but I’m at a loss to think of a major-market editorial cartoonist who is a more baldfaced Democrat lapdog than Steve Sack.
  • This city is full of crappy cartoonists.
  • I think this qualifies as a Berg’s Seventh Law citation.

2 thoughts on “Sack Of Garbage

  1. The last time I purchased a Star Tribune was in Oct 2004. It was a Sack cartoon that finally put me over the edge as far as that paper goes.
    He did a vicious nasty cartoon attacking Vietnem vets. That was his way of going after the Swift Boat vets over their opposition to Jean Francious Query presidential run. But it was just a horrible attack on Vietnam vets as a whole.

  2. Considering the still-alleged but yet-refuted activities of the president on the day following the murders, I would think that the president’s supporters would steer clear of fund raising accusations …

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