3 thoughts on “Take It Off My “Personal Time”

  1. Hope whatever it is taking your time and attention is not something bad (or at least not too bad?). Prayers said, good thoughts held, fingers crossed for you, Bun and Zam.
    I was checking in expecting to see something about the Clippers scandal, given the hoo haa on the right (media and blogosphere) about Donald Sterling supposedly being a ‘Democrat racist’. (L.A. Times reporter discovered he’s been a registered Republican in L.A. county for ages. Conservatives – they consistently believe things that are factually false /untrue.)

  2. Thanks, DG!

    Nothing earth-shaking.

    And if the LATimes, like the Strib, says anything, the rule is “distrust but verify, and then usually distrust some more”.

  3. How about a link, DG?

    Oh that’s right, lefties don’t do “facts”.

    He’s given money lately only to Dems, but he’s a Republican.

    Yeah, buying that.

    Got a bridge in New York you’re trying to sell?

    Not really expecting a response. Lefties don’t do debate either.

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