They Would Like To Be Paid, For Which They Will Gladly Deliver On Tuesday

Joe Doakes from Como Park emails:

The reason we have so many potholes is not that the St. Paul City Council pisses away money on frivolous projects while the streets decay; it’s the state and federal government’s fault.
“There’s a lot of potholes out there, and it’s kind of indicative of the condition of the street as a whole … the last time it was reconstructed or overlaid,” said [St. Paul City Engineer Jerry] Maczko, who added that state and federal lawmakers share some blame for potholes. “And it’s amazing how people don’t make that connection.  We’ve got our usual suspects in our streets that are old streets that need to be reconstructed,” Maczko continued. “At the federal level, at the state level, engineers have been saying we need funding for our infrastructure. Well, it’s not happening. … It’s a safety issue for the drivers and for our employees to be out there fixing that stuff.”
But the State Legislature is controlled by Democrats, as is the Federal Congress.  Democrats Care About People so it can’t be their fault. There’s only one conclusion:

Damn that George Bush!

Joe Doakes

There’ve been a lot of “think tanks” and “non-profits” touting “studies” about the “need for infrastructure investment”. They all sound a little like the Samoan Lawyer in “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas”.

14 thoughts on “They Would Like To Be Paid, For Which They Will Gladly Deliver On Tuesday

  1. The state of Minnesota paid an extra $8,000,000 for a contract on the St Croix River bridge ($58M vs $50M) because on out-of-state bidder, a higher bidder than the very well qualified Minnesota contractor, said he will import more people with dark skin hues to work on the project.
    Don’t tell me the state doesn’t have enough road money when they piss away $8,000,000 like this.

  2. It seems when ever I get into a discussion with a Lefty regarding government spending and taxation, their first retort is to point to “the roads and bridges you use” were paid for with taxes. Can’t disagree with that.
    Problem is, I point out, ‘we’ don’t spend nearly enough on what all (excepting the True Lefty’s who think we should all live in concrete high rises designed by Stalin and ride a train to wherever the line ends for buying toilet paper) agree is a legitimate function of government… We form a government to do things we can’t possibly do individually like build roads and bridges.
    There is confusion as to funding wants versus needs. To the Left, compassion is many of their “wants” paid for with Other Peoples Money (OPM); I’m satisfied with my taxes going toward funding things we “need” and My Money (MM) and time going directly to the “needs” of people who are truly needy as I see it.

  3. /”But the State Legislature is controlled by Democrats, as is the Federal Congress.”/
    Another misinformed citizen….

  4. Emery is alluding to the well known fact that the Koch brothers manipulate state and federal government via a remote control device that runs on the grease of rendered baby harp seals.

  5. Are you saying you’re a good judge regarding who is, and who is not, well informed Emery?

    No. Just no.

  6. Emery, you can’t know how much pleasure it gives me every time some lefty slob digs up my Tribute to Johnny Cash. It was originally meant for The Guy Who Knows Stuff, but has become my gift to every empty headed one of you!

    Look into my eyes, Emery.

  7. I see a man who lacked a strong (positive) father presence in his upbringing. I also see a man who lacks both self control and self discipline. I should also note your anger management issues.

    Aside from the aforementioned characteristics, you do a good job channeling Harvey Keitel.

  8. /”But the State Legislature is controlled by Democrats, as is the Federal Congress.”/

    Troy, How well informed are you? Which party controls Congress?

  9. The GOP controls the House of Reps. and the Democrats control the Senate.
    Since we have a Democrat president who has adopted the rule-by-decree style of certain Latin American dictators, what does it matter?

  10. Didn’t the Democrat Senate just nuke the only viable weapon the minority GOP had to weigh in? Didn’t our Prankster-In-Chief just decree that he’d trod where ever the path around Congress leads? Who controls Congress? #pffft… Who’s your daddy? *dik*

  11. Emery disputes democrats control Congress. There is nobody in control! Chaos, anarchy, gridlock, dispose, despair.

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