The “Stasi Bill” Versus The “Anti-Bullying Bill”

The DFL’s “bullying bill” is a special interest sop; it creates protected classes against whom bullying is double dog bad.   It’s a type of bill that seems, elsewhere in the country, to have the effect of increasing bullying of the kids they’re intended to protect – not to mention increasing the official “bullying” and censorship of dissent.    It might be better called the “Stasi Bill”.

Of course, the real reason the DFL supports it is that it creates yet another well-paid, unionized bureaucracy to staff with members of the political class.

The GOP, thankfully, is offering an alternative – a bill that offers to-the-point protection of actual victims, rather than a generalized snitching system that can be used as a cudgel against pretty much anyone doing anything:

Republican senators Monday afternoon announced the “Stamp Out Bullying” bill, which is modeled after legislation that’s been successful in other states and receives a top rating from a national anti-bullying group…State Sen. Roger Chamberlain, R-Lino Lakes, a leading critic of Dibble’s bill, said in a news release that he expects the alternative anti-bullying bill to receive bipartisan support. He said his legislation will protect students while allowing school districts to maintain local control.

“This proposal keeps school resources in the classroom where they belong, and doesn’t place an added burden on school districts already struggling with tight budgets. It protects all students, keeps parents informed, and gives school districts a solid framework to develop solutions that work for their communities,” Chamberlain said.

Being realistic?  I’d say the GOP’s best hope is to get Republicans and not-insane DFLers to push either for Chamberlain’s bill, or to amend Dibble’s ‘bill to strip out the objectionable stuff like the Stasi provisions and the protected classes…

…which is the stuff that the Metro DFL wants, which makes them poison pills.

Such is politics in the minority.

Elections have consequences.

5 thoughts on “The “Stasi Bill” Versus The “Anti-Bullying Bill”

  1. Well, you can bet that Komissar Doo Doo won’t be getting on board with it, because it would decrease the power of his corrupt union. Unlike the commie St. Paul teacher’s lies, this issue really is about the kids.

  2. Besides the expense and the adminstrative hassle, the worst thing in the DFL bill is that it forces all schools, including private religious schools, to allow left wing politcal/social groups to come into the schools and prophesize.

  3. GOP should submit a bill that allows a Michele Bachmann conservative Christian group to go into all schools and spead the word. If the leftwing gay groups get total access, so should rightwing groups.

  4. Just a backdoor attempt to enact the hate crime legislation they’ve so far been unsuccessful enacting. While this bill seems to be primarily supportive for homosexuals, I suspect that this might be a step-by-step work in progress, adding all the various other groups deemed “more equal” by the left, one or two at a time, without having to include the hated privileged classes. Exclusion by omission …

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