Economic Whack-A-Mole

Joe Doakes from Como Park emails:

Liberal rag Washington Post finally notices that student loans prevent young people from buying a home.  And it’s getting worse as home prices are starting to climb in some areas.  Holy Study Hall, Batman: debt is Bad!

Geez, ya think?  It all comes back to the Instapundit’s observation on middle class markers. That’s the mentality that got us into this mess.

Middle class people need decent jobs.  Decent jobs require college degrees.  College is expensive so government gives out student loans to help people achieve the middle class marker of having a college degree to get a decent job.  Makes sense, right?

Middle class people own their own homes.  Homes are expensive so government guarantees home loans to help people achieve the middle class marker of owning a home.  Seems reasonable, doesn’t it?

Everything sounds great until we realize that student loan debt makes students ineligible for guaranteed home loans.  Worse, we can’t give debt relief to students because the profits from student loan interest payments are pledged to pay for Obama-care — we need the money from Peter’s student loans to pay Paul’s health insurance premiums.

Wouldn’t be so bad if homes were more affordable except the reason home prices are high is the Fed is pumping $60 Billion Per Month into the banking economy to shore up home prices so existing homeowners feel like we’re in a recovery, thus freezing out future generations from buying.

Do you ever wonder what would happen if we just stopped?  Just . . . stopped?

Stop subsidizing student loans.  What would happen?  Colleges would restructure themselves to become affordable.

Stop subsidizing banks.  What would happen?  Banks would adopt sensible banking practices to stay afloat.

Stop propping up home prices.  What would happen?  Home prices would collapse now so our children can afford to buy them (you and I are hosed already, we’ll never see prices return to save us).

Stop propping up any sector of the economy, just let everyone sort it out themselves.  Could it truly be any worse than what we have now?

Joe Doakes

That which can’t be sustained, won’t. That which can’t be sustained but is by brute government force, will – until the money runs out.

And it’s gonna run out.

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