The GOP’s Stockholm Syndrome

Joe Doakes from Como Park emails:

Thomas Sowell has an interesting column that contains this line:

“Immigration laws are the only laws that are discussed in terms of how to help people who break them.”

He’s got a point.  If we applied Democrat’s immigration logic to other laws in a reductio ad absurdum analysis . . . .

There are 750,000 registered sex offenders in the United States, of which 400,000 are child molesters.  Applying the same criminal justice probabilities to child molesters as we do to other rape, we can assume there are 10 non-convicted offenders for every offender who was convicted.  Therefore:

There are 4 million child molesters in the United States, living in the shadows, unable to freely pursue their dreams.  They live in constant fear, looking over their shoulders for government agents.  They are forced to live in an underground, cash-based, off-the-books culture.  These are hard-working, productive members of society with families.  They pay sales taxes.  They would vote Democrat if they weren’t convicted felons.  Society must legalize their status, bring them out of the shadows, brush away the obstacles and make them full members of society. Do it now, for the children.

Okay, that’s idiotic.  And so is this latest round of immigration amnesty.  House Republicans selling their souls for Chamber of Commerce donations are killing their own party while they destroy the future of the nation.

Joe Doakes

Yet another reason the Tea Party really, really needs to complete its takeover of the GOP.

2 thoughts on “The GOP’s Stockholm Syndrome

  1. “They would vote Democrat if they weren’t convicted felons.

    C’mon Joe! You know full well that this doesn’t stop them. And when caught, if they are lucky enough to be prosecuted by a Democrat party apparatchik, “I didn’t know”, is a winning defense!

  2. Probably not as “absurdum” as we’d think. If the voter gap ever gets close enough, those currently in power may well take another evolutionary step and embrace those who molest children through “no fault of their (the molesters) own.” I too have little doubt who they would vote for, particularly if that party was responsible for their newly found freedom. Commonly held beliefs can no longer be used to predict related behaviors any more. NAMBLA: It’s not just for perverts anymore …

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