
I was about to head to work this morning when I remembered; it’s February 5. 

My blog’s anniversary.

I’ve been doing this for (counts fingers, removes shoe, continues counting) 12 years now. 

And I can honestly say two things:

  • My motivations haven’t changed a whole lot since I started writing this blog.  I’m shouting into the void – political, existential, social, whatever – more or less for the joy I feel just making the noise.  When I started Shot In The Dark, I was a guy with a couple of kids and a job and a big gaping hole in my life.  My kids are grown – sort of – and the big gaping hole has been filled with a big group of friends, crusades, and just a lot of purpose that I was searching for around this time 12 years ago.  But underneath it all, there’s the sense that “I see things that need to be said.  If I don’t say ’em, who will?”   And I just plain enjoy it.
  • The rewards, then as now, are all internal.  Which is good, since this blog has never made more than enough to pay for its hosting, really – and that’s more than I ever expected out of it.  I write because I love to write. I started this blog before I knew anyone else in the Twin Cities was doing it, to say nothing of there being an audience.  I get hundreds of readers a day; if I got half a dozen, I’d still love doing it.

I’m a conservative talking politics in a liberal metro area, so I’ve ruffled a feather or two – mostly the feathers of good people who can handle a little discussion.  I’ve made a few enemies – without exception, stunted, risible little people who don’t have the balls to face me in a face-to-face discussion, and whom I laugh about until I switch back to ignoring them.

Because they are overwhelmingly outnumbered by the friends I’ve made; other bloggers, readers, the other NARN guys and all the listeners that the show brought into my life, and all of the many, many people that all of this writing has brought me into contact with on the twelve-year journey that this blog has led me onto.

So anyway – thanks, everyone!

16 thoughts on “Waypoint

  1. Congrats, Mitch! I do have one question though. Your fingers and toes only get you to ten. How did you get the other two? 🙂

  2. Happy anniversary Mitch! I really enjoy reading your stuff, I’ll keep coming back as long as you continue to write. My sincere thanks for what you do.

  3. Happy Anniversary Mitch! You were correct; blogging is a blast, and it leads to meeting some very interesting people too.

    Hope you continue to find rewards in your efforts!

  4. Congrats, Mitch. I continue to be astonished by, and impressed with, your ability to produce high-quality writing (and thinking) almost every day for a dozen years. And in copious amounts. Most of all, thank you for demonstrating how blogging ought to be done.

  5. I greatly appreciate your efforts with this. My attention to your blog has led me to a greater awareness of politics, both local and nationwide, than I would have had otherwise. In particular, your support of GOCRA prompted me to make my first-ever visits to the capitol and subscribe to a gun owners’ political group which I feel is as beneficial to the cause, on a local level, as the NRA.

    About a year ago you were accepting donations towards the support and upkeep of SITD. Is that an annual event or could it be done at anytime.? I remember donating to both SITD and GOCRA about this time last year.

  6. Congrats Mitch – Shot in the Dark is one of my two ‘must-reads’ every single day – thanks for all you write and do. Really enjoy the Comments section inhabitants also …..
    Here’s to many more years!!

  7. Way to keep slogging through the blogging, Mitch! I still read you every day, but I don’t comment nearly as much because the long-winded, misinformed twaddle belched out here by Doggone has caused my brains to leak from my ears and I’m no longer able to type very well.

  8. Congratulations, Mitch. I don’t remember how I originally found SiTD, but I know it was one of the ones I started to “lurk” on back in 2004 and early ’05 as I tried to figure out whether or not this blogging thing was something I wanted to try. I think seeing the day-in, day-out posting and consistent quality showed it could be done without turning into a rant-sheet. It helped give me the impetus to launch my own and keep it going for five years. This blog was impressive then and even more so today when I have come to know how easy it is to step away and then fall completely out of the blogging habit. I don’t know that I’ve done anything worthwhile with all the time I don’t spend blogging now, but coming here continues to be a daily and beneficial habit.

  9. Sure, the content is good. But most impressive is that you do so much of it late night/early morning.

  10. Happy anniversary! I’ve bugged outta MN – but still check this site out every day and enjoy it. Keep ‘er goin’, eh?

  11. I know why you started…you were pissed at getting the boot from e-democracy SPIF. We used to give those feckless moonbats hell, didn’t we? Why, I remember the time…

  12. Thanks, all!

    And Swiftee – heh. To be accurate – I hadn’t gotten the boot. But I wanted to!

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