Faint Damnation

Joe Doakes from Como Park emails:

Report finds no evidence of widespread sexual misconduct in Secret Service.  Good to know.

Of course, that depends on what “sexual misconduct” means.  We all remember “I did not have sexual relations with that woman.”

And what “widespread” means (get your mind out of the gutter, we’re talking about sexual misconduct not . . . oh, never mind).Joe Doakes

The bar for “right” versus “wrong” has been set so low these days.  , a snake could get over it without jumping.

11 thoughts on “Faint Damnation

  1. No, the standard for sexual misconduct has remained the same, not low or lower.
    No, not widespread, as in a couple of isolated incidents, in a large organization. That definition has remained the same.

    Sadly, rape and sexual misconduct DOES remain HIGH and WIDESPREAD, in our military, and doesn’t seem to be going down. Those would be according to the same standards that the Secret Service applies.

    Conservatives, always looking at the wrong thing, trying to make success look like failure, and pretending to just ignore failure. Such sad willful ignorance and deliberate dishonesty, such a failed set of values.

  2. well right on time, DG shows up with our seasonal helping of witless condescension. DG could you explain again how the Cornish bill is crap or how Walker has financially decimated Wisconsin?

  3. Libturds, “always looking at the wrong thing, trying to make success look like failure, and pretending to just ignore failure. Such sad willful ignorance and deliberate dishonesty, such a failed set of values.”

    There, Dog Breath! I fixed it for ya’!!

  4. Kel, she already did explain why Cornish’s bill was “crap”. Her reasoning is because it was “copy and pasted from ALEC”.

    Of course, Mitch showed how a lot of the Paymar/Martens legislative bills were copied and pasted directly from New York’s (and maybe IMAIG) gun control measures.

    You do the math.

  5. BTW, DG, maybe you should suggest to WaPo that they are looking at the wrong thing, since the article talks about the Secret Service and not the military.

    But nice attempt at redirection, anyway.

  6. I realize that Dog Gone comes here, craps a comment, then leaves never to return to the thread – but for what it’s worth, Dog Gone? Did you read the linked article? This isn’t really a right vs. left, Liberal / Progressive vs. Conservative / Libertarian issue is it Dog Gone?
    “No widespread pattern of sexual misconduct” Okay, then why does the new Director state that she has “… expanded ethics training”, (and created) “a new position of chief integrity officer and a table of penalties for specific violations of the employee code of conduct.” if it’s just a few rogue employees on one Presidential trip?
    Here’s another what should be, if you respect the Office of the President, concerning element of the story: “The office’s acting inspector general, Charles K. Edwards, stepped down Monday as he and his top deputies were under Senate investigation for altering and softening reports to remove information that might embarrass the Secret Service and the Obama administration.”. This is the Democratic Majority Senate investigators accusing the lead investigator of altering the report – not some right-wingerz from InfoWars making some crazed accusations here. Shouldn’t this be taken under consideration in the context of a report that absolves the culture of the Secret Service?
    Honestly Dog Gone – can you really take the attitude that “eh, it was just a few Columbian whores, no biggie?” Are you that soul-less?

  7. These days liberals like Dog Gone would rather talk about anything rather than the slow-motion train wreck that is Obamacare.
    It will destroy Americans’ faith in big government solutions for a generation or more, and mostly due to the incompetence of the people who voted for the law and executed it. It was an immense power-grab with no thought at all about serving the American people.
    No one really votes for the D’s out of idealism anymore, the sense that “we are all in this together”. They vote for the D’s based on how it will fatten their wallets, or out of fear that the government will take your money or your livelihood.
    That’s what the term “Chicago Politics” means and that is what Obama exemplifies. Let’s not forget how closely Obama was tied to Blagojevich. It wasn’t just that Blago tried to sell Obama’s senate seat, Blago worked closely with Obama’s Chicago law firm of Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland on various “public-private” projects in the 1990s. The nice thing about public-private projects is that they allow for almost unlimited graft. You can steal both public and private money.

  8. Did you miss the redefinition of crony capitalism? You must remember that as far back as 2008 Sarah Palin was putting out the idea that crony capitalism isn’t what we think it is, but what Democratic policies do. Michele Bachmann picked this up explicitly, defining crony capitalism as Democratic policies that subsidize and thus distort or tilt the free market system away from, well, free markets.

    The idea at the time was pretty clear: change the terms of discussion away from the traditional definition of cronyism as big business getting big breaks from big money wooing and coddling with lawmakers to saying “cronyism” is the subsidization of what became called “the lucky duckies,” meaning those too poor to pay income tax. The idea was that these people, those Romney labeled so famously, are the real cronies of government.

    So when you talk about crony capitalism and use the old terms, you miss the entire point the GOP is trying to make and thus fail to answer them in a meaningful way.

  9. Emery, your 08:53 makes no sense.
    Palin ran for the Alaska GOP gubernatorial nomination in 2006 on an anti-corruption ticket. When she became governor, she rescinded dozens of special-favor deals that her predecessor, Frank Murkowski, had signed into law. This is what she ran on, it’s why she was elected.
    Currently, one of the senators from Alaska is Lisa Murkowski. She was first appointed as Senator by her father, the same governor Palin beat in the GOP primary in 2006. Lisa Murkowski , like her father, has had issues with ‘crony capitalism’.
    There are times when I suspect you are a nutcase, Emery. I am dead certain you are wrong about anything to do with the Tea Party, Palin, or Bachmann. You are deranged on those topics. You will claim in one post to desire a return to federalist principles, and in another post, repeat scurrilous stories about the Tea Party, Palin, or Bachmann, all of whom desire a return to federalist principles.

  10. It’s worth noting, back to the subject, that if a workforce with diverse assignments and responsibilities has 17% of their employees copping to being aware of sexual misconduct, the proper response is to see (a) what departments they’re in, (b) ask if they’ve reported this misconduct to superiors, and (c) if they’ve reported it, has the agency taken adequate action.

    Since the Service has many roles, it’s entirely possible that if you looked closely at the data, you’d find that 100% of responders from certain divisions were aware of sexual misconduct. Scary thing if you’ve got a President to protect, I think. This isn’t a report, but a whitewash.

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