The New Liberal Math

Joe Doakes from Como Park emails:

Mathematics – particularly statistics – are racissss

A buddy of mine worries about the implications.  He says “Rahm Emmanual knows that to lower crime, he needs to alter the racial makeup of his community.  So Chicago – the hotbed of anti-gun libs and ground zero of violent crime in the US – will step up the efforts to ship Blacks to welfare-happy Minnesota, with Governor Deer-in-the-Headlights only too happy to meet them at the border with the key to the treasury.”

Nah, couldn’t be.

Joe Doakes

What the Czarist Russians did with Siberia…

5 thoughts on “The New Liberal Math

  1. “At this point, only a complete idiot or the willfully blind will deny the relative African predilection for crime.”
    That is racist, actually.

  2. I’m with Powhatan there. It is racist, especially when one considers that almost all of the “racial” and “ethnic” differences regarding murder and other crime disappear when you account for whether Mom and Dad were married when Junior was born, and more of them disappear when you account for whether Mom and Dad stayed married.

    Good luck getting the left to admit that traditional marriage has its benefits, of course.

  3. I think I stole it from Thomas Sowell or Walter Williams, ironically. Not sure, but it ain’t original with me.

  4. Interesting ulterior motive for the left’s support for unbridled immigration. I’d think that those on the side of homegrown racial minorities would have picked up on that possibility. I suppose that if true, those in power feel that they will not live long enough to suffer by its full impact. Much like our nation’s budget deals …

    Interesting attachment and website. Thanks again for another info. source I’d never have found on my own.

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