The Non-Trivial Challenge

Joe Doakes from Como Park emails

. President Obama famously promised: “If you like your health insurance, you can keep it.” Turns out that was a lie. You can’t keep your policy if you have a “junk policy” that doesn’t cover things which we now pay for. To keep medical costs down, we’re forcing you to shift to Obama-Bronze which leaves less in your pocket, but it’s for the Good of the Nation so suck it up.

The problem with the lie isn’t that it’s a lie. The problem is it enabled Democrats to win election to protect Obama-care from repeal. And once Obama-care is up and running, it becomes the universal justification for all Nanny State intrusion into our lives.

“If you like your job, you can keep it.” Well, no, you can’t. You work a blue collar job. Your job has high risk of injury, which requires medical care, which we now pay for. So to keep medical care costs down, we’re forcing you to shift to janitor which leaves less in your pocket, but it’s for the Good of the Nation so suck it up.”

“If you like your hobby, you can keep it.” Well, no, you can’t. You jog. Your hobby has high risk of injury, which requires medical care, which we now pay for. So to keep medical care costs down, we’re forcing you to shift to collecting Hummels which leaves less in your pocket, but it’s for the Good of the Nation so suck it up.”

“If you like your home security, you can keep it.” Well, no, you can’t. You have a dog or a gun or both. Your home security set-up has high risk of injury (to yourself and also to burglars), which requires medical care, which we now pay for. So to keep medical care costs down, we’re forcing you to shift to a police whistle which leaves your family vulnerable, but it’s for the Good of the Nation so suck it up.”

Reader challenge: think of an activity in your life where Democrats could NOT justify intruding on this basis.

Joe Doakes

Correct though Joe is in  his simile, I’m behooved to announce “this post was brought to you by a grant from the American Troll-Bait Council”. 


5 thoughts on “The Non-Trivial Challenge

  1. Oh noes, somebody tell doggy that the L A Times has gone all right wingy:,0,7994134.column#axzz2kWTshVDV

    RTWT, but the gist is:

    “I’m a 55-year-old woman in excellent health and have a catastrophic health plan,” she wrote recently to Obama and California Sens. Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer. “I am completely happy with my plan. I received notice that the plan is being canceled and that to stay with a “comparable” plan my premiums would increase 88%, or $200 extra per month. To add insult to injury, the plan is INFERIOR to my existing plan.”

    So lefties, before you come in here and drop a steamer, “you can keep your plan” was a lie. Unless you think that the Koch brothers secretly and recently bought the LA Times

    Got it yet?

  2. Someone recently wrote that the president’s problem isn’t that he’s too aloof, or that he delegates too much, or that he refuses to get into the dirty work of shepherding his preferred legislation through congress, his problem is that he lies.
    To which I will add that he’s lazy. Why do the work that bipartisanship requires when you can ram laws through congress with 50% +1 votes, legislative trickery, or, failing that, issue an executive order?
    The Iraq War vote, NCLB, even the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts had bipartisan support. Obama is clearly the president only of the people who voted D in 2008 and 2012.

  3. At my last physical a month ago I was taken aback when the doc (actually a pa in training) asked “do you own a gun?” I answered her question then put it to her. “Really?! Why do you ask that?” Her response was they need to know to make sure and relay gun safety info.

    This was by far the most uncomfortable part of the physical and I don’t like needles or the turn your head and cough procedure.

  4. “Reader challenge: think of an activity in your life where Democrats could NOT justify intruding on this basis.”

    Sexual activity. If todays news reports are correct (or not a misdirected Onion plant), the latest Obamacare sign-up push is encouraging unbridled sexual activity for young heterosexuals by promoting its free birth control provisions in a new advertising promotion.

    Sounds rather anti-homosexual to me, though, but I’m not sure what they can offer to that group for parity. Free condoms are so passe …

    Could this new promotion be Obamacare’s “jump the shark” moment?

  5. Joe:

    How about I like my car and for fun me and a bunch of buddies go to a track to race at speeds of 100 miles per hour or more. I guess I can’t do that let alone drive to work since I can get into an accident and get seriously hurt needing expensive medical care.

    Walter Hanson
    Minneapolis, MN

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