Less Than Relevant

Joe Doakes from Como Park emails:

Diagram showing the value of politicans, the media and the public, in each other’s lives


Note this chart does not show the importance – politicians can screw up a much larger area of our lives and the media can influence as much – the chart shows the actual value of their contributions to our wellbeing.

Hat tip: smalldeadanimals.com   

Dunno that I completely agree: I think Media – if we count entertainment, at least – covers a lot more ground, for most of The Public.

6 thoughts on “Less Than Relevant

  1. Place Transvaginal Ultrasounds into the mix and women may have a different opinion on the “value” (overlap) of politicians into ‘their’ lives.

  2. Or turn schools into indoctrination centers, make our doctors into info-gatherers for the nanny state, and keep us under surveillance, for that matter.

  3. You are deep in the bubble, Emery. Check your epistemology. Who is in favor of forcing women to have ‘Transvaginal Ultrasounds’? How do you know that?

  4. And you have a extremely short and selective memory sir.
    Mr Cuccinelli supported transvaginal ultrasounds for women seeking abortions. Cuccinelli lost the women’s vote in Virginia

  5. I have to admit, I thought Emery was talking dirty. Never heard of that procedure.

    Am I to conclude that Emery believes informed consent is bad? Women should not fully realize the consequences of their decision to have surgery before making it? Women should be kept ignorant of unpleasant facts lest it trouble their pretty little heads?

  6. Now that’s honest Tea Party (“True American ® ” or is it “Real American ® “) thinking. Thanks for the clarification JD!

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