I’m From The Government And I’m Here To Help

Joe Doakes from Como Park emails:

President Obama famously promised that if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor under the Affordable Care Plan.

Well, you can keep him IF he joins the new plan.  He doesn’t have to.  And many won’t.  So here’s your shiny new Obama-care card.  Now go try to use it.

Also, Obama-care will save money, Congress will have the same deal as we, and Gitmo will be closed.

Joe Doakes


We’ll have hope, along with all of that change…

9 thoughts on “I’m From The Government And I’m Here To Help

  1. The republicans have invested too much in it’s failure by now to allow it to succeed. As an aside, Congress has refused to allow ‘Gitmo’ to be closed.

  2. Kinda wonder who the first journalist will be who will ask Baraq The First why he shut down the government to protect THIS. Oh, wait.

  3. But, you know that it can’t succeed, Emery. What model are you looking at? The post office? The department of Agriculture? TSA?
    What would ever make you believe that the Democrats could produce a government program of this size that would deliver the goods? The victory of hope over experience?

  4. That bastion of common sense – Howard Dean – agrees with Emery: The Republicans “won’t allow it to succeed”. How upside-down does your head have to be to think this way ?? ANYONE who has watched government-run operations since, oh ……. ever …….. could have predicted that this idea would fail badly. And they would have still been underestimating the current mess

  5. The Republicans should be working to improve upon it. Most of the ideas behind Romneycare and Obamacare came from the Heritage Foundation, a Republican think tank, as a response to the proposed Hilarycare in 1993-4. You don’t alert people to the issue of fire safety by committing arson and saying “see, that’s what I’m worried about.”

    For all its supposed desire for fiscal responsibility, the Tea Party movement is showing itself to be an inherently irresponsible movement, both fiscally and otherwise. There is a crucial difference between showing people how much you want to shrink the state and actually shrinking it. As I used tell my children when they were five-years-old: destroying things is easy. Building is hard.
    That’s called the Second Law of Thermodynamics: Entropy never decreases.

    As an aside:
    My letter carrier tells me the USPS is hamstrung by a 2006 law Congress passed “mandating” the service prepay it’s future retiree health care decades in advance, in the amount of 5B a yr. Something no other agency, organization or company in the country is required to do. He also claims the service would have a $660 million profit in the third quarter of 2013 without pre-funding. He also says the future retiree fund is over-funded by over 50B. I did a quick check of his claims on Google and they appear to be accurate.

  6. Repealing would be a dramatic improvement. No matter how lame you think insurance industry was (is?) you cannot rationally assert that this wreckage is better …… can you? What’s going on now is the easy part – comparing & choosing plans, getting signed up, etc – and it has been a total disaster. How well do you think this system will run when it comes to allocating resources efficiently? “The efficiency of the post office combined with the friendliness of the BMV”. Fortunately it’s only going to be an issue of life or death

  7. Obama-care passed without a single Republican vote. Gitmo could have been closed the same way. Obama’s failure to keep his promise lays solely at the feet of the Democrat party, as does the fiasco that bears his name.

    Republicans should be working to repeal Obama-care. Heritage should be slapped up-side the head and told “knock it off.”

  8. If they had had the courage to embrace their own ideas, rather than surrendering them to the Democrats, they might well control the White House and Congress now.

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