Zero-Based Society

Joe Doakes from Como Park emails:

Liberals claim conservatives are racists.  They might be right,  There is mathematical proof of it, viewed from the Liberal perspective.

For example, what’s 3 minus 3?  Zero?  That’s a racist concept, an Oreo Integer, an Uncle Tom Placeholder.  Black on the outside, White on the inside, valued less than any other number in society, invented long ago by a slave-holding society that ruthlessly oppressed women and gays.  Zero is racist.

But every fiscal year, what do Conservatives want the budget deficit to be?  Zero.  And how do Conservatives plan to implement their hateful agenda?  Zero-based budgeting.

I’ve got to admit, Liberals may have a point here.  No wonder they’re so careful to completely avoid any contact with mathematical reasoning when they make their budget proposals.  Can’t be too careful to avoid the taint of racism.

Joe Doakes

 Better that all math ends in 1.

8 thoughts on “Zero-Based Society

  1. But 1 starts with an “O”! And an O has all the same problems of a 0. And 2 ends with an “0”. What to do? What to do?

    All math should end with 3.

  2. Don’t confuse math with politics.
    Mathematical reasoning: I have 1.0 billion dollars and I want to spend 1.1 billion dollars. This does not compute.

    Political reasoning: I have 1.0 billion dollars and I want to spend 1.1 billion dollars. This means I need more of your money.

  3. 1 is the true dominant number of the universe.

    Pshaw! Everyone knows it is 42!

  4. I’m trying hard to think of the last Republican president who stopped “runaway spending”….but that’s too many decades ago.

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