He’ll Never Do Lunch In This Town Again

Remember the spring of 2009?  Obama and his hope’nchange had just been inaugurated – so everyone was still blaming Bush for everything. 

And at the Humphrey Center, a conclave of journalist fanboys attended a shinding with Village Voice journo Seymour Hersh, hosted by Walter Mondale at the Humphrey Center, to pimp Hersh’s upcoming book claiming that Bush and Cheney used Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) as their personal hit squad (while not noting that JSOC was a creation of the Carter Administration in which Mondale served as vice president). 

I’m thinking his next shinding in the Twin Cities might be a little sparser in attendance; Hersh is now claiming that Obama used JSOC to falsify the narrative of the Bin Laden raid. 

And Hersh isn’t that impressed by his fanboys in the media, either:

The book will also discuss Hersh’s view that the U.S. media hasn’t committed enough resources to investigative journalism.

Hersh tells The Guardian that the ‘pathetic’ U.S. media ‘is afraid to pick on this guy (President Obama).’

“It’s pathetic, they are more than obsequious,” Hersh said of the American media. “They are afraid to pick on this guy (Obama).”

“It used to be when you were in a situation when something very dramatic happened, the president and the minions around the president had control of the narrative, you would pretty much know they would do the best they could to tell the story straight,” he said.

“Now that doesn’t happen anymore. Now they take advantage of something like that and they work out how to re-elect the president.”

Now, we need to be clear about a few things up front; Sy Hersh is as a rule no more based in reality than Minnesota Progressive Project

And yet liberal media types revere him, along with Bob Woodward, as the acme of the craft.

 I’m guessing that’ll change, and the US media will start devoting resources to investigating…

..Seymour Hersh

Just a hunch.



7 thoughts on “He’ll Never Do Lunch In This Town Again

  1. I’m guessing that’ll change, and the US media will start devoting resources to investigating…

    ..Seymour Hersh

    Just a hunch.

    Naah. They’ll just consign him to the ditch in Crawford, Texas, where they keep Cindy Sheehan these days.

  2. Useful idiots ain’t so useful when they either stray from, or are not required, to push a narrative.

  3. …Hersh is now claiming that Obama used JSOC to falsify the narrative of the Obama raid.

    Obama? A Freudian slip, Mitch?

  4. Pingback: LIVE AT FIVESIX: 10.01.13 : The Other McCain

  5. By claiming “not one word of it is true” Hersh makes no particular claim that can be disproven.
    Spouse 1: “After you left the house yesterday, you got in your car, but instead of going to work, you went to the casino and gambled away your paycheck on blackjack. Then you emptied junior’s college and gambled that away, too!”
    Spouse 2: “Not one word of what you’ve said is true!”
    Compulsive liar, indeed.

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