
Vice-President Elect Joe-Blow Biden is such a buzzkill.

Dec. 22 (Bloomberg) — Vice President-elect Joe Biden said he is worried about the “exceedingly high expectations” that world leaders have placed on President-elect Barack Obama.

“Their expectation for Barack’s presidency is overwhelming,” Biden said, according to excerpts from an interview with CNN’s Larry King Live, scheduled to air at 9 p.m. tonight, New York time. “They are so hungry to have an American leader who they think has a policy that reflects our stated values, as well as one they can talk to.”

Obama’s three-million-jobs-created goal pulled from thin air this week notwithstanding, it turns out Barack Obama may have somehow, unbeknownst, inadvertently, created expectations for his administration that he may or may not be able to manifest.


Newsflash: Some of us never believed anything he said then or now.

I think I know what Joe is saying, at least here at home. People will have to pay their own mortgages, work for a living and go back to worshiping the incumbent savior, Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Oh – I almost forgot – and do their own Christmas shopping (despite the sentiment expressed in our recent poll).

Obama can still walk on water, as long as it’s frozen. Less hopey, less changey. More samey, more lamey.


26 thoughts on “Buzzkill

  1. More correctly, the right has been busy at work creating absurd expectations, and Obama is finally clueing into the fact that they have been engaging in this nonsense.

    JR – I pointed this out to you a few weeks back, you all are creating ludicrous expectations which Obama NEVER ONCE promised to achieve. This is your absurd invention so that you can later bitch they didn’t achieve it, and they are fighting back.. nothing more, nothing less. They NEVER said they’d solve all ills overnight, first term, or even at all. That kind of hyperbole is the province of the right.

  2. BTW JR, if you NEVER believed it, why did you say you hoped he could?

    You created these silly expectations on your blog, but you never believed them? Talk about disingenuous.

  3. Say Peevee? When you run that little car over your keyboard, do you make “the noise”, too?


  4. Just a quick FYI on UAW pay (from 2003 report)

    “How much are current UAW auto industry wages?
    As of the second quarter of 2003, a UAW-represented assembler earns $25.63 per hour of straight time. A typical UAW-represented skilled-trades worker earns $29.75 per hour of straight time. Between 1992 and 2002, inflation-adjusted real wages for UAW-represented autoworkers increased by 13.5 percent. This is a compounded annual pay increase, after inflation, of 1.28 percent.

    Inflation-adjusted wages,
    UAW assembler

    Year Wage
    1992 21.64
    1993 21.79
    1994 21.93
    1995 21.78
    1996 21.60
    1997 21.73
    1998 22.46
    1999 22.93
    2000 23.25
    2001 23.95
    2002 24.58
    Source: United Auto Workers.
    Wages in constant 2002 dollars.

    Executive pay at UAW employers in the auto industry, meanwhile, has increased by 22 percent during the past four years. (These figures do not include DaimlerChrysler. As a German company, it is not required to report executive compensation.)”

    Damn that UAT – paying people $60k on average for skilled workers with an average of 10 years of experience, what asses. And that 1.28% pay rase above inflation – those jerks – shoot em. Sure am glad the 22% their executives made wasn’t a model, or leadership, or anything like that, yep..

    And Toyota is undoubtedly fully healthy because they don’t have to deal with UAW. There isn’t an economic downturn in general due to exposure to the world labor market.. nope, surely not that.

    Please tell me more about how you all KNOW the economic landscape, and simply telling people to pull themselves up by their bootstraps is the cure all for everything. Certainly if we move 10 Million IT jobs overseas, there are just 10 Million OTHER high paying jobs waiting out there to be filled, aren’t there?

    I mean, aren’t there?

  5. Peevee swerves around the topic…”Screeeeeeee”…and makes his own roads..”Vrrrroooommm”

    I’m guessing that in his cartoon bubble, Peev is getting his data straight from Ron Gettelfinger, while they are enjoying a nice Punch with a lead crystal tumbler of 18 year old Glenlivet on the balcony.


  6. “If it weren’t the Holidays and with me feeling all charitable and such, I’d call you an idiot.”

    Time for another sidebar poll.

  7. Yeah… that’s it, the Right has been speaking of Obama and his talents and his abilities (and his powers as the last son of the planet Krypton) for the past year or two.

    It has nothing to do with the scores of hundreds of his followers and believers and blog commentors (some of which, thankfully, know how to write short statements) who have written, spoken, and otherwise articulated Obama’s plans, intentions, and their confidence in him.

    Peev… he’s your problem. Don’t weasel out of this one.

  8. Roosh,

    If it weren’t for the Holidays, I’d point out you blamed UAW for all of Detroit’s ills – you failed to even notice their focus on trucks, on poor mileage vehicles.

    Wait, I guess I did that.. oh, wait, I guess you did call me an idiot. The only funny thing is, I’m right, you did oversimplify the problem down to something which isn’t even remotely the problem – like you did with CRA.

    Here’s the point John – first and foremost, you all have pretty obviously engaged in a tactic of trying to create unreasonable expectations of Obama. If his followers have high hopes that he’s just generally better than his predecssor, oh well, he is, it would be hard to be worse. However, as you DID say you ‘hoped Obama would do well’ shortly after he was elected, I guess that was all just smokescreen for now saying – “See, he’s trying to NOT live up to the expectations his followers created.” Except, funny thing is, his followers didn’t. They didn’t expect him to fully solve the deficit, fix all ills. They hoped, rightly, he’d address them like an adult, something you righties couldn’t do for 8 years – to whit your commentary on UAW. The UAW isn’t Detroit’s problem – profit per unit was Detroit’s problem. The desired a business model that focused on BIG, GAUDY vehicles, and when that went out of vogue, they were screwed. YOU want to blame UAW because it fits with your worldview. Ok, fine, but that doesn’t make it true, in fact, as Toyota’s predicament points out, in fact, union shop or not, auto purchases are WAY down. I wonder why? It didn’t start 9/15 (the day Lehman bellied up), it started prior to that. Why, Roosh, why? Because it WASN’T CRA, because it WASN’T UAW, because it WAS falling US wages, depressed/under-employment. That’s your answer, but you seem bound and determined to not grasp it. Ah well, I’m happy to be an idiot as long as I’m not a right-wing idiot. Merry Christmas – and that part, I mean.

    Btw, John, I do actually try to treat you casually/in a friendly joking way – I hope you do get that.

    Badda, I’m not sure what your point was, because short OR long, your writing is generally nonsense. If ‘not weaseling out’ of something was your point – exactly what have you been doing for the past 8 years, and given that, where do you get off exactly lecturing anyone considering the collosal f-up your Prez is/has been? I mean really. Anyway Badda, back to your OCD issues… please, write something else painfully stupid – I know I love replying.. well no, not really. Perhaps again you can point out how rightwing radio succeeds in a polemic environment and left wing radio doesn’t, that worked out well for you.

  9. I haven’t been talking to you for eight years, Peev. I believe you are talking about someone else.

    Do you know who I supported this year, four years ago, and eight years ago??? Just curious.

  10. By the way Peev… don’t leave me. I cannot wait until I hold your quivering body in my arms once more. (That way, you cannot be evasive.)

  11. Do you know who I supported this year, four years ago, and eight years ago???

    I’ll bet he has a neighbor that does…

  12. Penigma,

    perhaps you inability to see more than an inch in front of your nose is your problem? And perhaps the UAW largest contribution to the problem is this:

    “It has three times as many retirees and widows as “workers” (I use the term loosely). GM has 96,000 employees but provides health benefits to a million people.

    How do you make that math add up? Not by selling cars: Honda and Nissan make a pretax operating profit per vehicle of around $1,600; Ford, Chrysler and GM make a loss of $500 to $1,500. That’s to say, they lose money on every vehicle they sell. Like Henry Ford said, you can get it in any color as long as it’s red.

    I don’t know, makes more sense than anything you’ve blathered.

  13. Btw, John, I do actually try to treat you casually/in a friendly joking way – I hope you do get that.

    C’mon. I didn’t call you an Idiot. I said I would if it weren’t the Holidays! Y

    You of all people should understand a technicality (and a good chain-pulling I might add).

    As for the Big Three, I have many posts here that make a three-legged case for their failure.

    In order:

    1) Arrogant/Inept Management
    2) The UAW
    3) CAFE Regulations

    How this comment thread veered to the UAW…oh, nevermind…it’s you.

  14. I’d say I’m sorry that I’m not going to worship your incumbent Savior, but, well, I’m not; everybody knows that for a Jewish guy to even get his mother to think he walks on water, he’d got to get his MD first.

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