One thought on “They Warned Us…

  1. I remain quite uninformed on this issue. My firm belief that we have no business bombing Syria is quite strong, based on our lack of economic, defensive, or strong moral grounds. This keeps me from digging deeper into the issue. Guess that’s may fault and I’m not proud of it, just lazy.

    That said, if we choose to punish a faction in Syria for their internal issues, particularly if we cannot even get significant world-wide support, or even a request to do so from a credible Syrian representative body, can we complain if another country decides to discipline us at some future date for our transgressions against their beliefs?

    Of course the murder of innocent citizens, even men, is not as equally evil as Miley Cyrus on TV, women with uncovered heads in public, or just being non-Muslim. However, since we celebrate diversity and embrace multiculturalism, who are we to make these relative moral determinations? Since evil is in the eye of the beholder, we are apparently trying to establish the right of the beholder to make things right as they see fit. Glad we don’t have any subways in Minnesota (yet).

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