Doakes Sunday: Urban Planning

Joe Doakes from Como Park emails:

Registered sex offenders to live on Charles Avenue [A street a few block north of University, through the Midway, Frogtown and the North End of Saint Paul – Ed]. On the new bike-and-pedestrian-friendly part of the street.


Seems odd to be slowing down potential victims just in front of the predator’s house but then, I‘m not an urban planner.


Joe Doakes

2 thoughts on “Doakes Sunday: Urban Planning

  1. George Orwell – “Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them.”

    Urban planners are all intellectuals, aren’t they?

  2. Liberal #1: “I think that we need to place these discharged sex offenders with single women living with young children. I read just read a study by some sociologists who say that it will help the sex offender reintegrate with society and reduce his feelings of alienation.”
    Liberal #2: “Was that study peer-reviewed?”
    Liberal #1: “Yes. It came from the Humphrey Center!”
    Liberal #2: “Will we try this out on public housing inmates first?”
    Liberal #1 “Yes.”
    Liberal #2 “It’s a go then! I’ll contact my friend at the capital and see if we can get a grant to make this happen! I just hope those Republicans in legislature don’t find out about this and shut us down.”
    Liberal #1 “Darn those anti-science republicans!”

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