It’s A Start

“Protect Minnesota”, the checkbook advocacy group run by Representative Heather Martens (DFL-HD66A), usually complains that gun control is supported by the vast majority of Americans and Minnesotans; that they are the real majority.

They put out this graph showing what groups spend what:

And it sure looks like the pro-gun groups outspend the orcs, doesn’t it?

But what does the graph not tell you about political spending on this issue?

The NRA gets get the uncountably vast majority of its funding from individual members; the orcs like to complain that they’re funded by the firearms industry – as if that were in and of itself a black mark against the group, even if it were true in any meaningful context.

I’m not familiar with the NSSF’s funding, and I know the GOA is even more grassroots than the NRA.

As to the Brady Factory and the VPC?  Both are funded by the Joyce Foundation.  As to “Mayors Against Illegal Guns?”  It’s largely funded by big-government utopian plutocrat Michael Bloomberg and his circle, and most of that money seems to go to paying the group’s members’ bail and legal costs.

4 thoughts on “It’s A Start

  1. A comparison of the average dollar amount per donation for each organization would be interesting. So would the actual number of donations made.

    A million dollar one-time donation by the reptile Bloomberg is nice. A million dollars received in donations from a million different supporters is much nicer. I think those figures would verify Mr. Fisch’s statement.

  2. Joe,

    There was one, probably 20 years ago. And they did verify Fisch’s statement.

    The NRA had (at that time) a little under 4 million members. All of the gun control organizations together at THAT time – which was at the end of even *perceived* general popular support for gun control – maybe had 150,000, although they were touchy about releasing numbers.

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