14 thoughts on “Lefty Heartbreak, Part 2

  1. No, it is not a story that is ‘going away’, and that hardly makes the Aryan Brotherhood good guys.

    And NO, the elected Justice of the Peace and his wife were not employed in any government capacity at the apparent time of the murders.

    It is so apt that this arrest occurred in the month we typically associate with right wing violence, like the OK city bombing, in a red state like Texas, and so far as I’ve heard, by a conservative former JP… if you want to bring politics into what appears to be a private revenge killing for non-political reasons.

    Still waiting on the news for the Boston bombings. The ricin letters appear to be from another right wing extremist pissed off against the Mississippi senator and Obama over gun control.

  2. DogWhereIsPinalCountyPile, you surely have your head so far up your ass you can see your adenoids. Political affiliation of Ricin letter sender identity already had been ascertained and it is another, another, libecRAT kook like yourself. Epic fail.

  3. Apparently she doesn’t fear looking stupid for attributing every bad thing that every happened, in the history of the world, to “right wing extremist”-s. Maybe she can’t help it? I mean, she said “that hardly makes the Aryan Brotherhood good guys” as if someone suggested that it did. *shrug*

  4. Media in general and cable media in particular tends to get get ahead of it’s self in it’s reporting. One recent example would be the so-called arrest yesterday relating to the Boston bombing. Both CNN and FOX are eating crow over that. And both have a history of this type of thing. I can hardly wait to see how the industrial (fertilizer) accident in Texas will be portrayed on cable.

    And people wonder why I don’t spend my hard earned money on cable.

  5. ” . . . in the month we typically associate with right wing violence . . . .”

    What, April is Right Wing Violence month? Crap, I’ve wasted two whole weeks. Geez, Mitch, why didn’t you remind us?

  6. No, it is not a story that is ‘going away’, and that hardly makes the Aryan Brotherhood good guys.
    It makes the media and liberals look like like idiots (again) for uncritically following the lead of the SPLC.

  7. In proving yet again that she has less sense than either of my dogs, DG opines:

    And NO, the elected Justice of the Peace and his wife were not employed in any government capacity at the apparent time of the murders.

    Yes, DG the FORMER JotP was not employed by the government at the time of the murders, having been convicted of theft and disbarred by the Texas Bar. However, he was a previous government employee, full of the typical sense of entitlement to public property (those monitors he stole), and public support and funding.

  8. DG,

    While I doubt you’ll read this, I have to say that this…:

    hardly makes the Aryan Brotherhood good guys.

    …is the sort of thing that makes people think you really don’t pay attention.

    Where is bit implied in any way that they’re “good guys?”

  9. Oh, yeah;

    “The ricin letters appear to be from another right wing extremist ”

    Got a cite on that?

    I’m guessing if you do, it’s either “Crooks and Liars” or Mike Malloy.

    I’m right, aren’t I?

  10. The online testimony of Paul Kevin Curtis, domestic terrorist (maybe) and Elvis impersonator:

    Let the record show that on this date, March 05, 2008, I, Paul Kevin Curtis, being of sound mind, am attempting once again to expose various parties within the government, FBI, police departments, legal & healthcare systems, etc. that a conspiracy to ruin my reputation in the community as well as an ongoing effort to break down the foundation I worked more than 20 years to build in the country music scene, began on the day I accidentally discovered a refrigerator full of dismembered body parts & organs wrapped in plastic in the morgue of the largest non-metropolitan healthcare organization in the United States of America, AKA

    North Mississippi Medical Center where I was employed from 1998 until March of 2000.

    The purpose of this online documentary of photos, police reports, as well as my 1st & only online petition, publications & events surrounding my life & the actions of what I believe to be that of a secret shadow government in which I feel have been put into place by higher powers to be in order to hide the truth behind the illegal organ harvesting market which I began investigating in 2000 after being “banned” for life for simply questioning the hospital administration on what they did with so many dismembered body parts?


  11. This guy was a copper longer than he was a JP, which is shocking(!), because braindead lefties like Mongrel Cur say we don’t need guns when we have coppers standing by to save us from danger close.

    BTW, why are you not picketing the Kermit Gosnell trial, Cur? Infanticide is taking a big hit out there…some day you may not be able to grind up your issue and flush it down the toilet!

  12. Cur, if I’m not mistaken (and I never am), I believe Terry just showed you the back of his hand. How ya like them apples?

  13. David French at NRO put’s the case against the argument of Sirota (and DG, and Angry Clown) better than I can:

    Underlying this argument is a fundamentally flawed starting premise: that extremist domestic terrorism is equivalent to Islamic jihadist terrorism. In other words, Osama bin Laden and Timothy McVeigh are roughly comparable. This is nothing but willful blindness (to borrow Andrew McCarthy’s marvelous phrase), the desire to stuff reality into your ideological box. Perhaps they would have a point if, say, McVeigh were a foot soldier in a larger ideologically-motivated army that had essentially taken control of the state of Montana, had trained thousands of heavily-armed fighters, launched a series of additional attacks at targets at home and abroad, and had ideological cousins that had taken control of sections of New Jersey and New Hampshire, had tens of thousands of trained fighters under arms, and was stockpiling rockets and other military weapons. No rational person believes that in such a circumstance our response wouldn’t be extremely violent, involve overwhelming military force, and fundamentally transform the way Americans view each other.


    It’s important to know that Sirota wasn’t referring to all “white Americans”, but a subset of them, specifically, “White Americans” that Sirota doesn’t like, i.e., conservatives. He quotes racial agititor Time Wise approvingly:
    ““White privilege is knowing that if this bomber turns out to be white, the United States government will not bomb whatever corn field or mountain town or stale suburb from which said bomber came, just to ensure that others like him or her don’t get any ideas.”
    Not college, not boardroom, but “whatever corn field or mountain town or stale suburb”.
    Bigotry like this would not be tolerated if the American Left had any scruples or principles they hadn’t yet betrayed.

  14. DG,

    Oh no! It’d seem that Kevin Curtis was not so mic political as demented!


    That’s according to conservative fact-checkers, who are sort of like liberal and media “fact checkers” except they check facts against reality, rather rhan for congruence with chanting points


    Whole he appears no more political than James Holmes, he lists himself as an “independent”.

    BTW – you DID catch the bit about him sending “ricin” to a GOP Congressman, didn’t you? Or didn’t “Crooks and Liars” mention that?

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