4 thoughts on “Frogs In A Pan

  1. Well, at least he’s been bi-partisan about it, offering it up during the term of GW Bush. The article also points out that Mitch McConnell also suggested it, too. All that said, it is obvious that Serrano has had too much time in congress and should be voted out.

  2. Thanks to gerrymandering, we already have Congresscritters-for-life (of both parties, as far as that goes), so what’s the big deal here? Anyway, Obama would align perfectly with the Franco/Castro/Kim model.

  3. This is the 3rd time that twit has tried this stunt.

    (All playing nicely into making my own personal tinfoil hat conspiracy theory less of a tinfoil hat conspiracy theory and more a reality *MUAHAHAHAHAH!!*)

    ((conspiracy theory: If Obama wins in 2012, there won’t be a presidential election in 2016))

  4. I hope those responsible for the tepid Republican turn out can still justify their actions. In the interest of full disclosure (not that I think anyone gives a rip) I seriously flirted with voting for Hillary instead of McCain had she have gotten the nod.

    While I had no illusions about her beliefs or any love in my heart for her, I was far more distrustful of the “Maverick” and his political unpredictabilty, fawning campaign tactics (even worse than Romneys), and general liberal demeanor. That sure would have showed him.

    No it wouldn’t have. I’d be feeling now just the way I hope the “I’ll show them” crowd of Republican/ Paulite dropouts are feeling today. History has shown me that Hillary was a far worse office-holder than I could have imagined. I quickly outgrew petulant politics and meaningless gestures, and have since knowingly voted for some candidates and causes that I truly disliked.

    Not supporting “the lesser of two evils” may work great for PTA officers and soccer coaches, but it doesn’t when every vote counts (and a hundred tantrums don’t) …

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