Meet Joe the Plumber

If I were Joe the plumber I would like to think I’d have answered Obama’s queries a little differently.

I would have bristled at the audacity of his condescension as he stood there and told me that had I had a tax break from the government I could have built my business faster;  as if I needed the government to help me get where I’ve gotten. On my own, thank you very much.

And maybe those firemen and nurses and teachers would have been better off too with that middle class tax cut; but they aren’t building a business. They provide valuable services and exhibit bravery in the face of danger (I’m talking about teachers too);  we need them for sure. But they work for the government. They don’t create jobs. They don’t buy capital goods. They won’t pull us out of this economic crisis.

By the way, I would have asked him why so many of the people he hangs out with hate America so much?

If I were Joe, I would have asked Barack Obama how he can give tax cuts to 95% of Americans when 40% don’t even pay income taxes?

I would ask him why I should believe that a man that has consistently voted for more taxes and more spending would change his stance now? Does he think Joe’s stupid?

I would have asked him what he knows about building anything. What risks, save experimenting with drugs, has he taken in his life?

I would have asked Obama if he could be patient. Cut my taxes and I will grow faster, hire more people, invest in my business, buy more equipment and ultimately my success would create way more tax revenue for Obama and his pet projects.

I would have agreed with Obama: I’m not voting for him, but not because of his skin color. So don’t call me a racist. Joe isn’t going to vote for Obama because he doesn’t get it – despite Obama’s America-hating elitist wife’s pleading to the contrary.

You see America was founded by Joe the Plumber. Guys like Joe are the true pioneers. He’s a self-starter. Joe creates something from nothing. He scratches a business plan on the back of a pink sheet he got from his last employer, asks his wife to make sacrifices, support and believe in him. Joe claws his way to some semblance of success. He creates jobs and buys American trucks and hardware. He is the self-reliant, hard-working risk taker. Joe owns two guns. One to hunt with. One to defend his family with. Joe is what is left of the American backbone.

Joe is as proud as he is concerned that his business pays not only his mortgage and car payments, but also those of his employees and their families. His biggest monthly bill is his company’s health insurance plan and judging by how much government has f*cked up just about everything else they’ve put their hands on, the last thing he wants government to do is get involved there. In fact, he would just as soon give his employees the ability to shop and choose their own health insurance provider. He’d give them a raise if they did.

Joe doesn’t want a handout. He doesn’t want a floor beneath him because he doesn’t want a ceiling above him. He doesn’t want to be penalized for working hard, following the rules and realizing the American dream. He’d just as soon you leave him alone and stay out of his way.

And for his success what does Barack Obama offer him?

Deep down Barack doesn’t want to celebrate his success. Barack can’t identify with a guy like Joe. Barack colors him “wealthy” and wants to take from him and give to those that can’t or won’t do what Joe has done.

Taking from the rich and giving to the poor has left us a bankrupt nation. In the interest of “fairness”, Barack Obama and his liberal cronies want now to take from the almost-rich and give to the almost-poor. It is time-tested formula for national failure. It is exactly the wrong course for America in a time when we need leaders for which more spending and more taxes isn’t the answer to every single issue that faces our nation.

But of late, Joe has become outnumbered. The pendulum has swung from the ranks of the self-reliant individual that values hard work, saving, accountability, investment, financial freedom and wealth creation; The American Dream is dying a slow death by asphyxiation.

Swelling are the ranks of those that have given up on those values; including far too many Republicans.

We now suffer a majority of Americans that see government as some disassociated entity that sends them a check without regard for where it came from. Life is too tough. Government is the answer. We have a right to a home and a comfortable life and we shouldn’t have to work so hard to have it. These are the people that think Joe just got lucky. And maybe he did – it’s the kind of luck that comes from working hard. They don’t see the sleepless nights; the seven-day work weeks; the fear of failure.

Welcome to the Entitlement Society. Where no one suffers and no one rises above. Where the goal is to game the system, and the Democrats will show you how. They will tell you you’re pissed and rightfully so: vote for me.

The Democrats are leading the charge and are ignorant to risks their policies pose to the financial survival of our nation. The takers have stormed the castle of the givers and have breached the outer wall, flooding the courtyard chanting Change, Hope and “Obama! Obama! Obama!”

We all need Joe. We need Joe desperately right now. But Joe may become an endangered species. Obama wants to put Joe on the ropes because Joe doesn’t vote for guys like Obama.

…and when we have no more Joe’s, our nation ceases to exist.

30 thoughts on “Meet Joe the Plumber

  1. Last time I heard of such a foolish prescription, the patient was shooting at his TV in Graceland. For some reason, jroosh, Americans are rejecting the kooky idea of giving huge tax cuts to people who need them least while making things harder on average people. Don’t worry, though, your time will come again. Twenty years or so from now, most voters will have forgotten the spactacular failures of the Bush years. Maybe.

  2. Inspired by Joe the Plumber, McCain’s now proposing an extra tax cut for millionaires with ass cleavage.

  3. Right now, about 42% of working Americans pay no income taxes. Under a Barry-Pelosi regime, that will increase greatly. I hate high taxes, but think everyone should pay something, just so they have some consequences of Big Gov’t.

    With more and more people dependent on the gov’t for free stuff, the party that promises lots of free stuff will have a major advantage. How can Republicans win when we say that you need to work for a living, while Democrats say “here’s your free money”?

  4. JRoosh – This post should be considered for an award for “Best Blog Post of the Year” from any reputable blogging organization. You hit the nail right on the head.

    Free Joe! Free Joe! Free Joe!

  5. AC, remember when SocSec was 2.25%? Remember when the Income tax was a “millionaire’s tax”?
    Economic theories aside, I really don’t care if couples who make more than $250k/year get his with a tax increase. These taxes,however, always reach down to the working class. Progressives have no credibility left on this matter.

  6. Hi Mitch –
    I appreciate your articulation of the issue for hard-working folks, though I think you exaggerate the entitlement piece – heaven knows the abuse-of-credit-cards issue encompasses Americans of all political persuasions! You could skip name-calling with regard to Michelle Obama, but other than that you make more sense than most of my Republican friends. (The other two are too frustrated to make any sense 😉

  7. Well, I could tell, even without looking at the byline.

    Orthogonally: given what’s already been launched at Joe the Plumber by the Obamamaniacs*, I think Joe the Plumber is in for a rough ride over the next couple of weeks, and might have to figure out a way into the Witness Protection Program if The Enlightened One loses.

    As I think he still might. Hope so. The Enlightened-One-losing-thing, that is; this guy is only ready to play President, not be one, and his flaws of character were on display last night.

    *I strongly doubt that Barry O actually said, “Will no one rid me of this turbulent plumber?” But he’s not exactly quick on the uptake when it comes to telling his nutso supporters to chill.

  8. Hey AC- Please explain. Under the Bush tax cuts, the number of people paying no income tax increased greatly. Also,everybody in each tax bracket recieved some kind of cut, the wealthy more because they pay more. (I know that advanced math is hard for libs to undestand) So the question is, how does that “make things harder on average people”? I`d love to hear it. Oh, and by the way- the phrase “tax cuts for the wealthy” is just a mantra, not an argument. Let`s see- everybody got a cut, more were added to the no pay zone, and last but not least, the amount of revenue taken in increased. I`m listening!

  9. “Plumber Joe” isn’t a licensed plumber at all? According to AP, he “works for a small plumbing company that does residential work.” He doesn’t need a license “because he works for someone else.”

    Also, he won’t be affected by any of Obama’s tax increases on people making over $250K because he doesn’t make that much; he just thinks that, if he ever succeeds in buying the plumbing company where he works, he might make enough to have to pay the taxes. In addition, I assume, to paying the fees for a plumber’s license.

  10. No, they gave McCain a pass after watching Obama forget to check how many states there are.

  11. Well, That puts Obama down one endorsement by a tax-defaulter, but up by millions of jihadists.

  12. I wonder if he’s registered? Probably on that there list Brunner’s hoping she won’t have time to turn over, ’cause who knows how long the appeal may take….

  13. If he`s a registered Republican, he more than likely won`t get to vote if Brunner has her way.

  14. I live in O-HI-O, and Brunner is not trying to keep ‘pubs from voting, she’s trying to keep you from checking on fraud. Same thing, long run, I guess.

    It will be funny if he isn’t registered to vote, as some places are reporting.

    Another black eye for McCrazy. Maybe he was an Obamamania plant – a double agent….

    Seriously, even though I don’t have a dog in this tussle, it does sound as if Brunner is up to no good.

    How could you ‘pubs end up with possibly the weakest candidate out of the whole bunch? Amazing. Of course you can blame all the screw-ups on the MSM.

  15. No. The blame, if any, would be on Ohio Dem party/ Acorn. The only blame coming the MSMs way would be, as usual, not reporting the story with the same vigor as if Brunner were a Republican.

  16. And as was said on another blog, about the whole “joe” bit is: Why is the media going after the plumber who asked the question instead of the Senator who answered it?

  17. McCain just killed at the Alfred E. Smith Roast.

    Obama did well, until five really bad taste housing market jokes kinda took the air out of the room.

  18. Joe the Plumber may be one guy, but I think McCain talking to “Joe the Plumber” actually spoke to a lot of hard-working average Americans. McCain’s use of “Joe the Plumber” 21-times was more a metaphor to “You average guys and gals in flyover country.” The fact that the real Joe the Plumber has a tax lien and is a Republican is irrevelant compared to the message that McCain was trying to get at. I know this is going to be hard for the lefties to swallow, but that’s the impression I get with the large number of non-political people who called me today about politics.

  19. I feel a bit sorry for Joe. He’s probably a decent guy with a big mouth who got way too much attention because McCain used him to try to score points in the debate. The entire episode showed that neither candidate, the media or Joe himself has any clue about how to run a small business.

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