You Gotta Pay To Play

Barack Obama’s campaign is charging for signs:

No, not that one.  This one:

Of course, not everyone is happy about this.  And not everyone can abide Democratic unhappiness on their betters’ decisions; Sean from MNPublius, in this case:

…for everyone who can’t spare the eight bucks necessary to go buy an Obama lawn sign read between the lines. “An occasional exception might be made for an outstanding volunteer,” you can become part of Barack Obama’s campaign (and probably get a lawn sign) by [consecrating your soul to The One].

Also, Obama will flip-flop on this sooner than later.

Seriously, I don’t care if a campaign does or doesn’t charge for its signs.  But the real significance of this story is its boundless cynicism.  Obama sells signs – and bumper stickers, and buttons – and counts each one as an individual contribution.  A flood of tiny “contributions” drives down the average contribution, thereby avoiding the embarassment Paul Wellstone suffered in 2002, when it was revealed his average contribution, puffed up with big Hollywood and Beltway money, was well into three digits while Norm Coleman’s was around $50 (and yet, somehow, their fundraising was fairly close).

The good news?  I’ve heard no talk yet of Pelosi proposing government aid to help supply Obama signs to the underprivileged.

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