Quote Of The Day

Christian Schneider at The Corner, in re the noxious opinion by ultraliberal Wisconsin judge Juan Colas that gang-rapes Constitutional logic to try to overturn the will of Wisconsin’s voters and their duly-elected legislative and judicial branches:

It’s not hard to see why Colas likely wanted his opinion buried. It is a legal document so acrid, if it were read aloud at a funeral, the corpse would emerge from the casket and try to strangle the person reading it.

Read the whole thing.

2 thoughts on “Quote Of The Day

  1. Fleebaggers hiding in Illinois: FAIL. Recall elections: FAIL. Last resort: Activist liberal “judge” who craps on the People. VICTORY!!!

  2. Yup! Only had to see his name to know that he was a libidiot. Looks like he may be an illegal alien, as his family came to the U.S. from Colombia when he was 5. It even appears that fellow Hispanics are railing on him.

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