
As we discussed on Monday, Michele Bachmann didn’t “witchunt” Muslims in government; she asked the Attorney General to take a break from handing out M-16es with “courtest of the NRA” stamped on the receivers to the narcotraficantes for a moment to look into some allegations.

Y’know.  Just like Democrats have a history of doing based on much less evidence.

Joe Doakes of Como Park takes us down memory lane:

Democrats accused George Bush Senior of flying the SR-71 Blackbird to Paris for a secret meeting with the Ayatollahs to free the hostages. The charge was idiotic but the Democrats insisted we must investigate. Remember why?

“In announcing the probe, House Speaker Thomas Foley, D-Wash., and Senate Democratic leader George Mitchell of Maine said that committees from each house will review the case based on `persistent and disturbing’ reports.

`We have no conclusive evidence of wrongdoing, but the seriousness of these allegations, and the weight of circumstantial information, compel an effort to establish the facts,’ read a joint statement from Foley and Mitchell.”

Okay, how about infiltration by Muslim terrorist organizations into the United States government – does the seriousness of those charges warrant an investigation?

Isn’t that exactly what Michelle Bachmann asked the Inspector General to do – his job?

Joe Doakes

Como Park

Well, to be fair, Foley and Mitchell didn’t have a pack of deranged opponents stalking their every move.

3 thoughts on “Appearances

  1. The difference between Bachmann’s flubs and Biden’s flubs are:
    A) You don’t have to take Biden’s words out of context to make them a flub.
    B) Bachmann is not a heartbeat away from the presidency.

  2. The question we have to ask, but don’t seem willing to consider because the messenger is so volatile is this: what if she’s onto something? What if she has credible evidence suggesting there are elements in government from Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, etc., who have infiltrated and are sitting in seats of power? Do we turn a deaf ear and a blind eye to the evidence merely because it is culturally insensitive?

  3. TBS-
    I haven’t looked into this subject deeply (though I have looked into it deeper than “Sanity”, of course).
    What concerns Bachmann and the other signatories of the letter to the IG Is that since Hillary took over the State Department, State has done things that seem to have advanced the interests of the Muslim Brotherhood. If true, this makes Abedin’s connections to the MB significant.
    And despite the impression you may get from reading Huffpo and Kos, this is not a matter of proving something “beyond a reasonable doubt”. No one is building a court case.

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