They May Take Our Lives, But They Can’t Take Our Freedom!

I look at it this way; it’s going to be a great two years for conservative talk show hosts (partly, at least, because when the Dems try to reinstate the “Fairness Doctrine”, there’s at least a veto-sustaining minority of Republicans left in Congress). The Democrats, who ran a purely-negative campaign against the war and the President, devoid of any policy ideas, will now have to try to legislate from that same well of thought. Which will be, indeed, a blogger and talk-radio goldmine.

Good for me!

Of course it was a terrible night (and will be a gruelling two years) for taxpayers, the people of Iraq, fetuses, people who want the courts to act like courts rather than shadow legislatures – and if you’re a gun owner who voted Democrat, you need to get your head checked.

But it was what it was. King Banaian and I declared the 2008 campaign in session at about 1AM last night.

Game on.

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