Open Letter To Certain Leftybloggers

To: Certain leftybloggers who’ve appointed themselves as “FACT CHECKERS”
From: Mitch Berg, the most factual blogger there is
Re: Cough it up.

To…well, you know who  you are.

You’ve posited yourself as a “FACT CHECK”-er.  Fair enough, we all have our niche.

So let’s see if you can fill “your” niche, here.

During the debate over the “Stand Your Ground” bill, you repeatedly called the Cornish bill “crap” legislation.  You said that it’d lead to all sorts of problems.   You said it not once, but several times.

I asked, every time, for you to elaborate.  You didn’t.  I’m sure it’s an oversight.

So in your capacity as “FACT CHECK”-er, please tell us:

  1. How, exactly, “Stand Your Ground” is “crap” legislation.  And by this, I mean, in which of the 30 states that have “Castle” laws, “Stand Your Ground” laws, or both, has the crime rate risen as a result of the passage of the law?
  2. What, in legal terms, does “Stand  Your Ground” mean?  I mean, in your own words.  This one shouldn’t be difficult; I’ve explained it numerous times in this blog.
  3. In your own words, what are the real, real-world and legal consequences of these laws?  Please cite examples – don’t just quote from chanting-point blogs that you agree with.
  4. You ascribed the bill to the American Legislative Exchange Commission”, aka “ALEC”, AKA “the boogeyman”.  Please substantiate that this bill – which has been in the works in Minnesota in one form or another since 2006 – has any connection to ALEC.   (Thanks to Learned Foot for the reminder).
  5. You also claimed that this bill was there to serve some un-named profit motive.  Please describe who “profits” from a change in the presumption of innocence int eh elements of a self-defense claim?  (The only financial impact would seem to be lowering the demand for defense attorneys).  (Thanks, again, to Learned Foot for the reminder).
You said “do your homework” – which is a pretty insulting thing to say to someone who has done more homework on this issue than most bloggers have done on every issue combined in their blogging careers.

27 thoughts on “Open Letter To Certain Leftybloggers

  1. An unreasonable fear of the law abiding citizen may be the source of many unreasonable comments. The crazy talk would be funnier if you didn’t remember that “Certain Leftybloggers” probably vote. *looks over at our Governor*

  2. Well, that certain lefty-blogger is certain not to come forward and answer the bell on this. She, er I mean he/she is long on the lectures and condescension, but is woefully short when it comes to knowledge beyond anything he/she cuts and pastes from DemoU/G and Kos.

  3. Missed one:

    4. You (FACTCHECKER) wrote the following:

    “This was bad legislation, apparently originating wit ALEC, and was designed not for 2nd Amendment rights, but for the profit of the ALEC participants.”

    Who specifically profits and how by shifting the burdrn of proof from the shooter to the prosecutor?

    I look forward to your reply.

  4. Lefty bloggers don’t fact check, they spew. They consult the Oracle of liberalism – themselves – and alter their reality in order to fit into their paradigm of progressivism and then vomit their research. In mass media circles, this is a process known as public discourse – where the winners of a debate are determined by their fealty to Media. In the real world we call this relationship incestuous. In the lefty blogger world, where anyone can get screwed at anytime – for any reason – incest is merely screwing without the nasty label.

  5. Hey sweetie, if you mean me, I explained to you by private email that I was tied up with whelping puppies. First litter has needed to be hand raised after complications from a difficult C-section, requiring hourly hand feeding. Second litter was due today, and may be requiring a section in the next 24 hours. I’ve had about 4 hours sleep out of the last 24, and about the same zzzzs during the past 8 days.

    So, when I can, I will be more than happy to back that up, including referencing the outcome New Orleans gun confiscation court case from Hurricane Katrina, and any number of other bits of information that you don’t seem to have checked out yourself.

    I’ll get to you, dear Mitch, and I am confident that I won’t disappoint. But not until the next litter is safely delivered, and not until I have a little bit more sleep. It was a quirk I even saw you had posted this, as your current posts appear on the Penigma blog roll.

    Patience, please, and cross your fingers for the whelping to go well. The last one was a helluva rollercoaster ride – but I’ll be writing about that too, soon.

    Sorry – but when it comes to posting or puppies, puppies are my first love, and win out every time.

  6. So, when I can, I will be more than happy to back that up, including referencing the outcome New Orleans gun confiscation court case from Hurricane Katrina, and any number of other bits of information that you don’t seem to have checked out yourself.

    Sounds like the red herring shipment was delayed.

  7. Oh this is going to be fun. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a comment dripping with such contempt and superiority. She never did answer that whole Crow Wing county thing and wtf does hurricane katrina have to do with the stand your ground bill?

  8. figures puppies are her first love, they are house broken the same way she comments on this blog, by shitting all over the news.

  9. Ah. Didn’t connect the puppies with the “drop a bag of rhetorical turds and run” bit.

    Sorry. My bad.

    Although you DO have a reputation around these parts for…
    a) Tut-tutting about how ignorant everyone seems to be, while…
    b) dropping “facts” from a lefty-approved source as if they and only they were dispostive (or become dispositive by dint of you having written then, maybe), and then…
    c) making yourself utterly scarce while…
    d) your “Facts” are utterly, completely and convincingly trashed by more, better facts.

    Anyway good luck with that. Because I GUARANTEE that I”m the one that’s done the actual homework, as opposed to chanting what I’ve been told to chant.

    And that whatever you come up with will be either off-topic or long-debunked. Because, DG, I guarantee you that unlike you I’ve seen ALL the arguments on BOTH sides of this issue.

    And if the best you can do off the top of your head is the “gun confiscation court”, then you are in for a rough ride.

    Anyway, whappy whelping.

  10. The Stand Your Ground legislation did contain lingo that would have prevented cops from disarming honest civilians during natural disasters (the time when they need the ability to defend themselves most), a clear response to the Hurricane Katrina idiocy. Can’t see why that’s controversial but if that’s her sole objection, let’s talk it out.

  11. I have to agree with Mr. D here. I guess we’ll have to wait patiently for our regurgitated posts.

  12. Nate, was the disarming language in the “Stand Your Ground Bill” or is that part of the proposed addition of the 2A to the MN Constitution? For some reason I thought specific language was in the ammendment proposition.

  13. I wish someone would “fact check” Obama on his “economics of non-sequitor”.
    Today he said that the way to fight high gasoline prices was to switch to the alternatives and reduce demand:
    “We need to invest in the technology that will help us use less oil in our cars and our trucks, and our buildings, and our factories,” Obama said. “That’s the only solution to the challenge. Because as we start using less, that lowers the demand, prices come down.”

    “Only solution”? He’s an f’n moron. Price is set by a both “demand” and “supply”. It’s called “common knowledge”, which apparently is not dispensed at Punahou Academy, Occidental, Columbia, of Harvard.
    “Yep, the price of white bread is $5/loaf, and that is too high. Therefore we need to ibuy $10/loaf oat bread and use that instead. This will drive down the price of white bread, so you can start . . . No! You can’t switch back to white bread! That’ would be wrong! Vote for me or Rush Limbaugh will call your daughter a slut!”

  14. I honestly don’t think you guys-n-gals realize how over the top Dog Gone is these days. Check it out:
    Post after post about Limbaugh (I don’t recall Mitch ever posting anything about Limbaugh other than, rarely, his ratings). Comic Jon Stewart cited as an authority on political matters. Links to propaganda mill Media Matters galore. Post after post attacking the Catholic Church interspersed with posts denying that the Left is at war with religion.
    It’s a madhouse, I tell you, a madhouse!
    Seriously. Anyone who would go to a caucus of the political party they hate, take an official position and then attack their deliberations and resolutions while acting in that official position has gone far, far over the rainbow.
    She also muttered that if only she had her FACT CHECK printouts at the caucus, she would have shown then. More than a passing resemblance to Captain Quigg on the witness stand.

  15. Post after post about Limbaugh (I don’t recall Mitch ever posting anything about Limbaugh other than, rarely, his ratings). Comic Jon Stewart cited as an authority on political matters. Links to propaganda mill Media Matters galore. Post after post attacking the Catholic Church interspersed with posts denying that the Left is at war with religion.

    I know Mrs. Teasdale prefers to be anonymous, which is her right, but are we sure she isn’t Cindy Sheehan?

  16. Am I the only one who finds it telling that DG expresses such concern over the birth of dogs, but happily dances over the broken, shredded, torn mutilated corpses of human babies?

    Remember the “feral kid” from “Mad Max”? Yeah, that’s actually a biography of her childhood, I’m pretty sure.

  17. Swiftee, I’m not nearly as pro-life as you are, but the Left’s reaction to this “pre-abortion womb ultra-sound requirement” (or whatever) is either a put-on or a result of ignorance. What do they think the medical procedure for an abortion is like? A foot massage and high tea?

  18. “What do they think the medical procedure for an abortion is like?”

    A minor incovenience I believe. They should be forced to look at and hold in their bare hands the remnants of their depravity.

  19. “Sorry – but when it comes to posting or puppies, puppies are my first love, and win out every time.”

    As if she wouldn’t be squatting over her keyboard, dropping her spawn onto the floor if it was a debate she thought she had an ice cube’s chance in hell of winning.

    You’ve been smacked down, again, dog.

  20. “I honestly don’t think you guys-n-gals realize how over the top Dog Gone is these days.”

    Foaming at the mouth worse than a rabid dog; she certainly has lost all sense of reality.

    I see that she has the time to continue to rant on and on about Rush and how people that listen to his program are “…they are unlikely ever to ‘get it’ that they are not decent human beings,…” and that Rush should be censored for good…

    Mitch, did you really expect a reply? Seriously?

  21. Foaming at the mouth rabid Dog (gone):

    “Under Castle Doctrine in Florida — as would have been the case here had the legislation not been vetoed, the right to ‘self defense’ is entirely subjective, extends beyond the home as defined by the Heller decision, and prevents the shooter from being held liable in a court of law for wrongful death as well as providing for minimal investigation, if any, and no prosecution…
    …That is because of the way that Castle Doctrine, ALEC-style, Republican-style, Tea Partier-style, Gun-nut style drafts legislation, so as NOT to hold people accountable for wrongly shooting other people.
    One of the worst aspects of the right-wing ALEC model Castle Doctrine law works, as was the case with our recent vetoed Shoot First legislation, is that it allows people to shoot others for subjective cause, but does not require them to face an assessment of objective cause. If the shooter claims it was self-defense, and if the victim of the shooting is dead, there is no investigation or subsequent prosecution… “

    Was she just repeating her master’s talking points?

    A “follow-the-money” conspiracy of this magnitude must have been nurtured by a double batch of Kool-Aid and Victory Gin!!!

  22. KRod,

    That’s just mad on so many levels.

    1) “Self Defense” isn’t subjective. The sense that one feels threatened is. The grounds under which self defense is claimed are VERY frequently subjective; the criteria under which the claim is judged are not.

    2) I talked with an ALEC member today. The organization seems to hold no position on Castle Doctrine whatsoever.

    3) The Heller decision didn’t define the home.

    4) She’s just flat wrong about how Florida law treats self-defense. So wrong it’s hardly worth mocking.

    Not only is she parroting chanting points, she’s parroting some really stupid ones.

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