Totally Worth It

Via Gary Miller, Matt “No Relation To Gary” Miller notes that Hillary Clinton provided this nation a great service – way above and beyond the whole “soaking up Tic resources for a few months” bit – in the race.

There was the conventional stuff…

But, there’s something about what she’s done for politics in America over the last 2 years that deserves respect. She’s fought. She’s struggled. And at times, she’s pushed back against the hijacking of the Democratic Party, which has been, for all it’s flaws, a party of great and patriotic men and women; a party which has, until now, only once succumbed to out and out radicalism in the last 60 years of nominations. She’s tried to speak to hardworking Americans, not about them. She’s tried to communicate a responsible foreign policy, not historically laughable pie-in-the-sky utopianism. She’s tried to recall a party she loves from the abyss. She’s tried. And she’s failed. Not everyone can be avatars of hope and light.

Indeed, there can only be One.  But I digress.

There is  a lesson there for the GOP – especially in Minnesota, where the party had a hard-fought battle with its own utopian fringe.  Hopefully the good guys can find a better way to help channel all that utopian energy than the tic are managing so far.

And here’s the real salient point; the point that conservatives, and moderates, and patriotic Americans of all regions and all religions ought to be thanking her for; Hillary Clinton has revealed Barack Obama. Four months ago, Barack Obama was an insurpassable public figure. He was The One We’ve Been Waiting For. An agent of hope and change poised to bridge all gaps, overturn all conventions, and melt all hearts. He was the great redeemer, surpassing that other great redeemer, and we were his subjects, waiting in humble supplication for the touch of his gentle hand. Now he’s tarred with Wright. And Ayers. And Pfleger. And he’s schemed, and calculated, and given ludicrous explanations, and played old politics with the best of them. His halo has descended before our very eyes. Make no mistake about it, no inducement on earth could have brought the press to question Barack Obama in a general election campaign in 2008. And no amount of evidence could have made the public care. Not even in a campaign against John McCain, the media’s favorite Republican. Even as a Democrat who ostensibly shares many of their goals, Hillary has had little success in shaping the media’s narrative. But, she has shaped the public’s.

The whole thing’s worth a read. 

And I join with Gary; Thanks, Hills!  See you in ’12!  And ’16!  And ’20!  And ’24…

2 thoughts on “Totally Worth It

  1. There is a lesson there for the GOP – especially in Minnesota, where the party had a hard-fought battle with its own utopian fringe.

    If you are implying that thse of us that consider a vote for Norm a wasted vote, suck it! Hillary tried to keep the Democrat party viable. Norm and McCain will both do great harm to the party. Conservatives need to be able to break from a party that no longer represents them, regardless of how bad the opponent maybe.

  2. “Suck it”? Please. :-/

    I think breaking from the party is doing it harm, too.

    Instead, search for and groom a good conservative candidate or two.

    Instead, formulate a few of those convincing arguments that make reasonable people (and nimrods alike) see why a conservative would lead us better than a more liberal or “flexible” candidate.

    Conservatives need to do a better job of explaining why they are conservative, and communicating the many reasons why they find modern American conservatism so compelling.

    If that could be done, the ranks of “real” conservatives, both inside and outside the party, might grow. Wouldn’t that be nice?

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