Pardon My Derisive Chuckle

Molly Priesmeyer in the Minnesoros Monitor today:

What if Hillary Clinton said, ‘I don’t want your racist votes?’  In CNN exit polls conducting last night in Kentucky, about 21 percent of voters said race played a factor in their decision. Nine out of 10 of those voted for Clinton, according to the exit polls….David Gergen discusses the data…and  begs an important question: “What if Hillary Clinton were to say, ‘If you want to vote against him because he’s black, I don’t want your vote?'”…now would be a time to address the fact that, if anything, the contentious campaigns have served to make obvious the country’s long-suffering ills caused by racism and sexism.

Wow.  Molly Priesmeyer opposes racism…

…after she wallowed in it!   Ms. Priesmeyer in the City Pages, 2005:

Is it really white in here, or is it just me?…En route to the Power Line/Center of the American Experiment Dan Rather retirement party, I rode in an elevator filled with white men in suits…These were received with hale-fellow-well-met white-guy laughter that abruptly stopped when the elevator doors opened to reveal a group of young black men in Roc-A-Wear gear who were apparently not attending the same event. Then the elevator doors closed and took the bunch of us back to 1952 for an event that felt like a dinner at a segregated country club in the days when Perry Como ruled the airwaves…That’s not exactly correct: Inside, I spotted a total of three non-caucasians, and one of them was hunched behind a television camera recording the event for history’s sake.

Wow.  What if all three candidates said “we don’t want your racist votes?”   

12 thoughts on “Pardon My Derisive Chuckle

  1. Mitch pondered: “What if all three candidates said “we don’t want your racist votes?””

    The Republicans would lose in a landslide.

  2. What if all three candidates said “we don’t want you Jew hating, Catholic bashing vote”. McCain would win in a landslide.

  3. According to the Wikipedia, Barnstable County, MA, is over 94% white. Median family income in Barnstable cty is in the mid $50K range, so it’s not lily-white for economic reasons.
    Hyannisport is in Barnstable cty. Four generations of Kennedys have made Hyannisport their home.
    Racist pigs.

  4. Whaddya mean? Ya seen one crowded, polluted, stinking town playground for the wealthy and fab…

  5. Kennebunkport is the new Bangkok? Who knew!

    The analogy is quite apt given the seamier side of Bangkok’s tourism business and the randy nature of the Kennedy clan.

  6. How white is Kennebunkport, AC?
    There is no excuse for ever seperating yourself culturally from black folks unless you are a racist. Isn’t that the point you were weakly attempting to to make?
    Course if they’re the servants that’s different. Sometimes you can’t get white folks to work for the wages rich people like to pay the help. That’s what Negros & Mexicans are for, isn’t it?

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