And Now Let Us Further Wallow In Nudging, Nodding And Finger-Pointing

The Strib  is usually pretty diligent, if not necessarily artful, about clothing its appeals to its institutional self-interest – but as they show in Tuesday’s editorial, they’re not above the naked appeals to self-interest, either:

(We hope the governor applies that thinking to the question of where a new Minnesota Vikings stadium belongs.)

Yep. I bet they do.

I bet there’s a parcel at 425 Portland they’d just loooooooove to have the governor “apply his thinking” to.

5 thoughts on “And Now Let Us Further Wallow In Nudging, Nodding And Finger-Pointing

  1. I bet there’s a parcel at 425 Portland they’d just loooooooove to have the governor “apply his thinking” to.

    They’ll have to disinfect and delouse before it will be habitable.

  2. I’m waiting for an expose on the hundreds of thousands of gallons of toxic ink that is buried under the asphalt of their parking lots, but I won’t hold my breath!

  3. Let’s see. Everyone had to get their proposals in fast because the Governor said so. None of the proposals is financially viable. I don’t suppose that the issue will just die now. No, as this year’s legislative session winds to a close no doubt a slapped together stadium deal will ram itself through even though no state majority wants a new stadium. What if the first vote of this upcoming session was: “Will you support a stadium bill using state taxpayer dollars?” If the majority vote no then the whole mess could be skipped.

  4. Based on all of the pork that is in Dayton’s bill, I have concluded that I would rather see money spent on a stadium than on the U, redesigning the sculpture garden or a new dolphin tank at the zoo.

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