The Midwest Leadership Conference Straw Poll

It’s 5:30, and the straw poll has been underway for half an hour.   Results are due out at about 6:30.  I’ll be here for the scoop,when it happens,

6:30 – Sutton is on stage w/the results.

  • 0.2% Johnson
  • 0.9% Huntsman
  • 2% Santorum
  • 3.3% Gingrich
  • 4% Rick Perry
  • 10.7% Paul
  • 11.1% Romney
  • 12.2% Bachmann
  • 52.6% Herman Cain!
Herman Cain’s skype address earlier today seems to have paid off.

7 thoughts on “The Midwest Leadership Conference Straw Poll

  1. If we must have this nation be ruined by four more years of Barack “lying sack of shit” Obama, it will at least be satisfying to watch the morons in the main stream media trash a black man because he is not a Democrat. Cold comfort, but at least all the poor folks will suffer the most under four more years of Obama and his pack of socialist assnozzles.

  2. No thanks Ben. At least not until he gets rid of foolish 9-9-9 plan. That’s an economic crisis waiting to happen. Have you thought about what happens the next time Democrats control the House, Senate & White House?

    That 9-9-9 with change into 17-12-12. The money won’t go for deficit reduction either. It’ll go towards expanding the reach of government.

    There’s no question that Herman Cain is a capitalist. There’s no question that his 9-9-9 plan is a ticking time bomb just like there’s no question that he isn’t equipped to deal with a congress he can’t fire.

    In the private sector, if he was CEO & people didn’t do what he told them to do, they’d get fired. That doesn’t happen with government.

  3. I just want to see the MSM and the Democrats (pardon the redundancy) go into full attack mode on a black man. That would be pure entertainment.

  4. MSM says Cain can’t be President because he didn’t march in civil rights parades in the 60s (being Black, that must be a requirement).

    I haven’t heard MSM condemn crazy Al Franken for not marching in pro-Israel protests.

  5. I have to agree with GMG425 – we’d need something like a constitutional amendment out of a David Weber novel that the rates for “999” have to remain the same for everyone (e.g. it can go up to 10-10-10 or down to 8-8-8 but never be 05-10-15) for something like this to be workable.

    Frankly I’m not inclined to support any candidate on the basis of their tax reform proposal. I want to see which candidates are serious about cutting spending and willing to tell voters that they might have to give up some of the goodies that they’ve been promised. A candidate who runs and gets elected on that may actually have the mandate to fix some of these problems. One who doesn’t, not so much.

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