Our Dumb Counterculture, Part II

.One of the reasons that the left’s various attempts to counter the Tea Party have all failed, and will continue to fail, is that when you look at these hamsters, they just don’t look like America.  They look like superannnuated hippies and adenoidal poli-sci students and Macalester professors and the like.

And now, they’re bringing the magic to the Twin Cities:

Minneapolis, MN. – After this Saturday’s open forum in Stevens Square Park, through a group consensus, we now stand firm in our plans to unite at the Hennepin County

Government Plaza. This plaza is the new focal point for the OccupyMN movement.

Previously our plans were to stand in solidarity with those that occupy Wall Street by rallying at the steps of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis.

“Stand Firm?”  “Stand in Solidarity?”

Hey, “protesters”; Jane Fonda called; she wants her 40-year-old florid rhetoric back.

The plan has changed to reclaim the Government Plaza as the “People’s Plaza”.

It is time to establish a new system that values people over profits. We are the 99% and we are moving to reclaim our mortgaged future.

They’re going to “reclaim” big government property…for big government?

The Minnesota Occupation Begins:

October 7th, 2011 at 9:00am

The People’s Plaza (Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! – Ed)

300 South 6th Street

Minneapolis, MN 55487-0999

(Hennepin County Government Center Plaza)

I was briefly tempted to go there and videotape the Cantina Band scene that must certainly ensue.

Then I remembered – I have a family to spend time with, and an actual life.

14 thoughts on “Our Dumb Counterculture, Part II

  1. They who clamor loudest for freedom are often the ones least likely to be happy in a free society. The frustrated, oppressed by their shortcomings, blame their failure on existing restraints. Actually, their innermost desire is for an end to the “free for all.” They want to eliminate free competition and the ruthless testing to which the individual is continually subjected in a free society.

    The True Believer, Section 28 (1951)

  2. They’re right that their future is mortgaged to the hilt.

    The problem is that they’re supporting policies that will mortgage it further.

  3. These people want to storm the barricades, comrades! Rosanne Barr wants to behead bankers. When did “A Tale of Two Cities” become the Fringe Left’s playbook?

  4. I hope one o’ them hippies tries skate boarding at the Fed building.
    Cuz’ then the cops will start breaking heads.

  5. being a former poly sci student I resent that. These are the feminism and GLBT studies losers. And probably some english majors too 😉

  6. Everytime I see a picture of the protestors, I want to go back and slap my high school guidance councilor. If only she hadn’t talked me out of becoming the tattoo artist I dreamed of being I could have made a fortune off these dimwits. And I would have done piercing on the side to get the increasingly lucrative nose ring market.
    The protests will stop in the next week or so when Apple rolls out, ‘scuse me, ‘drops’ the I-Phone 5. The protesters have to have the best device on the market from the company with the highest, most obscene profit margins in the industry to coordinate their flashmobs against “Wall Street”.

  7. we now stand firm in our plans to unite at the Hennepin County Government Plaza.

    This is what passes for making a big, important decision?

  8. As best I can make out, the protesters demand is: From Each According To His Ability; To Each According To Her Need.

    Fine; but none of you have the ability to earn or produce anything, so you’re all going to get a lot thinner, colder and more footsore.

  9. As best I can make out, the protesters demand is: From Each According To His Ability; To Each According To Her Need.

    Having been brought up during the Days of Misogyny, pre-1970, this sort of sounds like one of those Reader’s Digest definitions of marriage. But that would be insensitive or something – oh, wait! who cares about marriage? Except for GLBTs, of course.

  10. I bugged a troll over at The Atlantic magazine by suggesting that in one month the Wall Street “occupiers” would be back at school and he’d be back under his bridge. He had earlier ripped the author of a benign article about the spectacle and bragged that his argument was superior because 38 people had “liked” his comment. Such is the Facebook generation. I’ll wait a month and then throw some toadstools at the troll. Fall is good growing weather for fungi.

  11. Separated at birth? The ugly bitch with the mouth of a large mouth bass and AKlo?

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