Glenn Beck Drives The Democrat Agenda

Well, he does for one Democrat, anyway.  Democrat Kate Marshall is a Democrat running in a special election in Nevada’s 2nd Congressional District.

And she released a lit piece pointing out her really double-dog sincere support of Israel:

“I am proud to consider Israel a friend and I reiterate my unwavering support for its fundamental right to exist and the absolute necessity for Israel to secure its people from outside threats. I stand ready and willing to assist Israel in defending itself against all acts of terrorism,” the statement reads.

Unfortunately, nobody copy-edited the piece – so it went out with one of Marshall’s strategists’ internal comments still in the text:

“Background: Israel has been in the news lately, and will be even more in the news with [Glenn] Beck’s ‘Rally to Restore Courage’ in Jerusalem. In an R district, it will be useful to express support for Israel and demonstrate some foreign policy prowess while it is a timely topic — especially for people who are likely paying attention to Beck’s event.”

To be fair, the Dems have had their agenda driven by much worse…

11 thoughts on “Glenn Beck Drives The Democrat Agenda

  1. Excellent work, Mitch! The scary part of this is, but for you, most of us probably never would have even heard about it. We all know that this goes on, because we few libs have original thoughts. Instead, they live off the b.s. chanting points of their home boys, so when the proof surfaces, it’s very satisfying.

  2. This is an understatement, Mitch. Re: the Shirley Sherod incident. They fired her on the RUMOR that she might be on Glenn Beck. Beck has had full blown Congressional hearings accusing him of ripping people off on gold.

    Glenn Beck has an apartment in their heads.

  3. Beck certainly seems to influence Democrats more than he influences Republicans. There is no Conservative website (other than Beck’s own) with as many Beck stories as Media Matters or Talking Points Memo.

  4. Excellent points, Terry! If fact, those very stories give Beck and his producers excellent material when they mock them on the show.

  5. It’s like the birther thing and absolute creationism. The only people I ever hear talking about either issue are hard core liberals.

  6. You forgot the 9/11 Truthers, Chuck. Expect a big display of that idiocy in the next couple of weeks.

  7. Chuck, most journalists know nothing about science or religion, but they think that every single GOP candidate must denounce creationism.
    During the 2008 election some journos seemed obsessed with the idea that Palin, because she occasionally attended a church associated with the Assembly of God, had to denounce creationism. Palin wasn’t even a member of the church; and there was no evidence presented that Palin knew the details of the Assembly of God’s beliefs re: creationism.
    Normal people think that this obsession with creationism on the part of liberals is weird.

  8. I think they’re obsession with Beck, Palin, others, is driven mostly by fear (and a severe case of self loathing).

  9. If I was running for office, and some reporter asked me to repudiate something Marti n Luter wrote, I think I would pop the reporter in the nose.
    Freakin’ butt holes think a 4 year liberal arts degree makes them Grand Inquisitor.

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