‘Cause The Man From Mars Stopped Eating Cars

A brief yuk.

There.  Done laughing.

Let me take a moment to pour out my red-hot loathing on the “world is ending” crowd – whether it be a bunch of bobbleheaded Baptists or the “History” Channel’s lineup of disaster pr0n.  If ou believe in what’s in the Bible, there is that whole “nobody knows the place and time, not even My Son” bit to deal with.   So all you really did is give America’s bumper crop of smug, tittering jihadi-atheists something to giggle about.

Thanks for nothing, peckerwood.

(Photo via Learned Foot)

9 thoughts on “‘Cause The Man From Mars Stopped Eating Cars

  1. God is a loving God. He brought happiness to people who have no joy, the atheists.

  2. I don’t blame Harold Camping at all. He’s a garden variety nutcase. It was the media that decided to make him the mockable personification of Protestant Fundamentalism, the same media that refuses to make any connection between all of these guys named “Muhamad” who plot to kill Americans and any particular religious tradition.
    Terry Jones threatens to burn a Koran and he’s front page news. People — powerful people — want to stop him or put him in jail, or at least make him a pariah. PZ Meyers very publicly celebrates his desecration of the consecrated host and the shredding of a Koran, and he is a hero of free expression.
    Camping is not the enemy. It’s ABC/CBS/NBC/AP/UPI.

  3. Pastors need to understand that public relations is a big part of their job. I’m reminded of a story of the first (second?) Continental Congress (probably apocryphal).
    A terrible storm was raging, and some members suggested it was the end of the world and the Lord was coming back. The President of the congress calmly stated “If the Lord is coming back, gentlemen, let him find us at our work”.

    The words you want to hear from your maker are “Well done, thou good and faithful servant”, not “Good job on the duck and cover”.

  4. Wow, the atheists went after the lowest hanging fruit out there, and are now beating their chests over it? Do they want a prize?

    Speaking of low-hanging fruit, I remembered to check out PZ Myers after all of this was done. Are we supposed to be impressed that a PhD in Biology is spending his free time mocking old men with calculators and a negligible audience? I assume that the harangues about reason and logic don’t apply to poorly reasoned posts when he does it?

  5. It appears that camping is not even an ordained minister. He has never been to seminary. He’s not connected to any denomination. He is a “Christian broadcaster”. He represents no religious tradition other than his own.

  6. Are we supposed to be impressed that a PhD in Biology is spending his free time mocking old men with calculators and a negligible audience?

    Wait. I’m confused. I didn’t think Camping had a PhD in biology. Or did you mean that the other way around?

    (I’m amused mainly because PZ loves to bang on believers using astrophysics when he clearly doesn’t understand the underlying physics very well.)

  7. Sorry, I meant Myers making a second career of mocking guys like Harold Camping. It’s like decrying science because a guy with a 2am infomercial tried to sell you a diet pill.

  8. Wow, Mitch, why don’t you tell us how you really feel? Seriously, great rant, or red-hot-loathing-pouring, whichever you prefer.

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