5 thoughts on “Tomorrow Is Now Today

  1. “it’d be fun to wad a DFLer up like used kleenex and toss him under the bus.”

    Hmmmm . . how did that work out for ya . . . Muwahahahahahahaha

    Its getting pretty bad when you can’t even win special elections in Red Districts.

    55 – 42, talk about a spank down. (in 2006 the GOP Nueville won 52 – 48)

  2. Not really a red district; it was a swing district at best.

    A disappointing loss, and – we should hope – a wake-up call to the GOP.

    RINOs are suicide. Top-down management is no replacement for grass-roots activism.  No vision, no victory.

    And if the mainstream media endorses your “Republican” candidate, there’s something wrong.

  3. Gimme a V-E-T-O P-R-O-O-F Senate

    Or, if you’re a Minnesota taxpayer, “gimme a P-R-I-S-O-N S-H-O-W-E-R R-O-O-M A-S-S-R-A-P-E”

    “Be happy to pay for a ‘better Minnesota’, or go to jail, peasant”.

  4. Mitch:

    Man you people are weird. What is it with the very elaborate references to male rape?

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