Today is Shot In The Dark’s ninth birthday.

I was working at a dying little dotcom nine years ago.  I was reading a Time article on the “new breed of young conservative intellectuals”.  They profiled Andrew Sullivan and his “blog”.  I checked it out.  I saw the link to Blogger.com.

And when I got home, after dinner, I set the thing up, and it was off to the races.

And the race has not stopped for more than a weekend since then (barring a one-week break when my ISP died back in 2004).

Anyway – thanks!

More next year, God willing!

15 thoughts on “9

  1. Too bad we didn’t know that at Reagan’s Birthday Party last night – we would have bought you a pint. Cheers, and here’s to another 9!

  2. I’ve learned a lot about blogging from SITD and I can’t tell you much I admire (and envy) your amazing productivity. Thanks for all you do, Mitch.

  3. And it only took nine years for Sullivan to devolve into a flesh-rending nutball with a bizarre Sarah Palin fixation that would necessitate a restraining order on most people.

  4. On a related note, Joe Soucheray announced his retirement today. This completes the total demise of the once mighty AM1500.

  5. You sure about that, Kermit? I read that he was just quitting 1 of the 2 hours he does with Reusse, and is still doing the 2 hour GL show.

  6. On a related note, Joe Soucheray announced his retirement today.

    From Saturday Sports Talk only. He’ll still be on 3-6 weekdays.

  7. The wife told me about it. I’m glad Joe is still in the game. Personally, I would dump all hours with Ruesse, but then I can’t stand that morbidly obese liberal twit. He giggles like a little girl.

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