The Generalissimo Speaks

Duane at Radioblogger, by way of dinging on the Dems’ latest attempt at a “Cut and Run” bill, writes:

A listener sent this picture and e-mail a little bit ago.

This is John Gebhardt in Iraq. His wife Mindy reports that this little girl’s entire family was executed. The insurgents intended on executing this little girl, too. In fact, they tried by shooting her in the head. But miraculously, this little girl lived, but is obviously suffering while her body tries to heal. She cries and moans incessantly, but John is able to calm her. The nurses where she’s being treated say John’s the only one she clings to. So John and this little Iraqi girl have slept for the last four nights in that chair so that she can continue to heal after her injury.

Not exactly Abu Ghraib-like, so it’s doubtful you’ll ever see this hit the nightly newscast.

Against this…:

Democratic Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, is planning on trying once again this week to choke progress before it has a chance to thrive and prosper by passing legislation to give the military a quarter of the money needed to fund the effort in Iraq, and require that if the token dollar amount is appropriated, an orderly withdrawal begins immediately.

In other words, sending them a “hide ’til…” date.

…Mitch McConnell and the rest of the Republicans ought to have a stronger hand to defeat this more than ever before because of the clear evidence of progress and success in Iraq. There is no need to change the course in Iraq, to use the tired phrase of Harry Reid, when the course in Iraq is working demonstrably. The Republicans should use the 60 vote rule to kill this legislation the moment it comes to the floor. Republicans would do well to show they are more determined to win than the Democrats are determined to declare defeat.

Senator Coleman…?

And once the bill is killed, it is imperative for George W. Bush to use the bully pulpit and call this stunt for what it is. He should go to the American people and start showing the progress that is being made, the progress that isn’t being shown in the mainstream media, and challenge the Congress directly to stop playing games with the American military while they are fighting, winning and making a real difference abroad, and pass a clean appropriations bill immediately. And he should keep saying it.

And that’d be the problem. The President and the Administration have been a consistent no-show in the PR battle.

16 thoughts on “The Generalissimo Speaks

  1. Since you righties embrace ‘declaring victory’ and leaving starting next year down to some small, permanent force (to be used to intimidate the Iraqis into giving our Oil Companies sugar-sweet deals), that would make you the Lie and Run crew, wouldn’t it?

    Congress has the right to say the war has gone on too long, are you denying that it has gone on too long? Are you suggesting we should simply forget and forgive the unmitigated incompetence of the President? Are you suggesting we should forget that you’re a hack for the GOP who’d say anything to provide this President, this incompetent disinterested and lying fool, political cover?

    So Mitch, since Snotty McClellan came out yesterday and said the President himself mislead McClellan into saying that Rove and Cheney knew nothing about Valarie Wilson, and since the President came out and said “he was going to get to the bottom of this and whoever leaked this would no longer work in his administration” are you thinking that maybe Bush will fire himself. It would seem about time for him to, since he’s ‘cut and run’ from nearly everything in his entire life.

    You righties just can’t get the fact that you will never get the Shiaa and Sunni to like each other by pointing a gun at them, except to go get a gun to shoot back. Maybe, just maybe, our presence is part of the problem, but then again, given your woeful, incompetent, and myopic military expertise, I’m not surprised you’d call figuring out we’re not part of the solution cutting and running, after all, it’s all you’ve got, stupid, jingo-istic slogans without meat or merit.

  2. here’s an interesting article about “Mr Cleanface” and his history of being bought and staying bought – note his connection to MN crime figure Deil Gustafson (a major DFL funder)

    Organized crime is multinational these days and the war must be getting in their way – Reid (Mr Cleanface), the faithful servant, is doing what he can for his masters.

  3. Swiftee, when there is a toilet in any room, why do you wingnuts feel compelled to swim in it?

    I think moonbats hate America because it is peopled with morons, xenophobes, bigots, racists, and ammoral apostates who would just as gladly shoot their mom as admit to flaw. These same morons espouse a love for country without reason, qualification or sense, while blowing a foul wind out their hypocritical asses when they chanted “Not my President, Not My War” during the intervention in Yugoslavia.

    Kel – you and Swift have yet again proven the axiom that Berg’s blog unfailingly attracts the lowest, meanest and most deranged members of the wingnut brigade out there. Good on ya.

    Freepers.. yikees. Go back to your bomb shelter Mr. McArthy, everything is fine out here. I’m sure FreeRepublic, that well known bastion of journalistic truth, is to be believed, let alone respected.

  4. Peev

    go back and look at the bibliography:
    LA Times – a right wing source?
    Los Vegas Review Journal – a right wing source?
    New York Times – a right wing source?
    FBI via FOIA -a right wing source?
    KLAS-TV – a right wing source?
    Houston Chronicle – a right wing source?
    US 8th Circuit Court – a right wing source?

    what part of the story can you factually refute?

  5. When we ran out of Saudi Arabia in 2003 becuase it wasn’t politically popular for us to be there, was that NOT Cutting and Running?

  6. becuase it wasn’t politically popular for us to be there,

    Please show any reliable source indicating the decision had anything to do with political popularity.

    And good luck with that.

    was that NOT Cutting and Running?

    Correct. It was not.

  7. Hey Mitch, will you ever publish a code of ethics?

    No, that would be a pretentious waste of time. By the way, neither does the Strib, Minnesota Public Radio or CNN.

    But I most definitely follow one.

    As opposed to MinMon, which publishes one but doesn’t really mean it.

  8. the axiom that Berg’s blog unfailingly attracts the lowest

    One guy saying something in a comment section doesn’t yield an “Axiom”.

    Sorry. It’s just…no. No.

    Bad commenter. Bad.

  9. “Not my President, Not My War” during the intervention in Yugoslavia.”

    I missed that. I hate it when I dont get the memos.

  10. “Since you righties embrace ‘declaring victory’ and leaving starting next year down to some small, permanent force (to be used to intimidate the Iraqis into giving our Oil Companies sugar-sweet deals), that would make you the Lie and Run crew, wouldn’t it?”
    Saddam offered ‘sugar sweet’ oil deals to the French & the Russians if the UN sanctions were lifted. He would’ve given even sweeter deals to the US since we (and the brits) were the primary opponents on the UNSC against lifting the sanctions. You’re obsessive Bush hatred has blinded you to common sense; you will see no cause for a problem unless it involves conspiracy and bad failth on the part of the Bushies.

  11. small, permanent force (to be used to intimidate the Iraqis


    Do you have a (non-Kos, non-Democrat Underground) source for this?

  12. ” . . . since Snotty McClellan came out yesterday and said the President himself mislead McClellan into saying that Rove and Cheney knew nothing about Valarie Wilson, and since the President came out and said “he was going to get to the bottom of this and whoever leaked this would no longer work in his administration” are you thinking that maybe Bush will fire himself. It would seem about time for him to, since he’s ‘cut and run’ from nearly everything in his entire life.”

    All this from a few out of context paragraphs from a book that isn’t finished yet and won’t be published ’til Spring 2008.
    I’m beginning to think that the garbage you post on Mitch’s blog isn’t all BDS. You may simply lack the ability to know when an argument has been made effectively. If you overhear a snippet of conversation where B says he hates C, and that C is a crook, that doesn’t prove a damn thing about C and anyone that thinks so is showing off their ignorance.

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