A Four Year Vacation

Joan Growe.  May Schunk.  Carol Molnau.

I mention them just to prove to myself that I can name the last couple of Lieutenant Governors.

I’ve heard not a few DFLers “joke” that even now, they can’t name the LG-elect (Yvonne Prettner Solon, with no hyphen) even now, weeks before the coronation.  Of course, unlike Carol Molnau (who led the state’s Department of Transportation until she got scapegoated for the 35W Bridge collapse) and Schunk (who served to try to whip the Teachers Union into line behind Ventura) Prettner Solon has already served her entire purpose for being on the ticket – delivering votes from the Iron Range to Lord Fauntleroy.

No, really – she all but says it herself:

Rested and ready after a two-week vacation in Mexico, Minnesota Lt. Gov.-elect Yvonne Prettner Solon said Thursday she’s already preparing for two key roles in the Mark Dayton administration.

On Thursday — the day the DFL team was officially certified winners of the Nov. 2 election — Prettner Solon said her first priority will be to coordinate startup of the new Senior Services Center that she will oversee at the Capitol.

The new office, which will coordinate senior services from several state agencies, will be the first of its kind in Minnesota and makes good on an early campaign promise by Dayton and Prettner Solon.

Which is a step up from “Junior Fire Marshal”, I guess…

Prettner Solon said her second-biggest job will be to serve as a liaison between Dayton and lawmakers. A veteran legislator, Prettner Solon knows many of the key players, especially in the Senate, where she served as chairwoman of committees that oversaw health care and energy issues.

Um, she knew many of the key players.

Prettner Solon said she hopes not to fade into obscurity as many lieutenant governors have done, and that Dayton has made it clear their offices will work jointly.

“The plan is to make it the office of the governor and lieutenant governor, really a single office,” she said.

The better for fetching sweaters, Triscuits and Kombucha.

14 thoughts on “A Four Year Vacation

  1. Who was Governor to Growe . . . . do you not even edit the scripts they send you anymore. Sheesh! I hope the pay is good for giving up your soul like this!

    Oh looky, google:

    Karl Rolvaag 1955 1963 Democratic Farmer Labor
    Alexander M. Keith 1963 1967 Democratic Farmer Labor
    James B. Goetz 1967 1971 Republican
    Rudy Perpich 1971 1976 Democratic Farmer Labor
    Alec G. Olson3 1976 1979 Democratic Farmer Labor
    Lou Wangberg 1979 1983 Independent Republican
    Marlene Johnson 1983 1991 Democratic Farmer Labor
    Joanell Dyrstad 1991 1995 Independent Republican
    Joanne Benson 1995 1999 IR/Republican
    Mae Schunk 1999 2003 Reform/Independence
    Carol Molnau 2003 present Republican
    Yvonne Prettner Solon (elect) 2011 Democratic Farmer Labor

  2. Doh. I mixed up Growe and Benson. My bad.

    which sorta reinforces my point.

    But you’d know that if you’d read the notes that came with your orders from Soros.

  3. Geez, Mitch, when you set a Dimwit trap, you certainly go all out. This was a fiendishly clever one. And look – it works; nice catch.

    Flash – the point of the exercise is to demonstrate is that NOBODY remembers past Lt. Gov’s and this one will be no different. The fact you had to Google them proves Mitch is correct.

    Far from giving you one up on Mitch, you actually clarified exactly why you justly belong in the trap.


  4. Couldn’t disagree more, Mitch. Prettner Solon (PS) is like a rookie QB on a team with an aging starter-just one hit away from being the starter. When the final snap occurs, and Dayton’s mind completes the divorce from reality, Minnesota will have its first female Governor.

    In fact, I’d like to coin her nickname right now-after 3 years of liberal rantings from Dayton (tax-the-rich-its-for-the-kids!) then we will have Governor Post Script to finish out the term.

  5. Seriously, Mitch, kudos. That one was up there with Sarah Palin’s Boston Tea Party comment that trapped so many Dimwits.


  6. Now, now boys; cut Flush some slack.

    He has to deal with hundreds (snerk…) of comments everyday that constantly challenge his carefully thought out, precicely stated wisdoms..(coff..coff)….he needs to keep (oh geeze…)his rhetorical rapier honed to a fine point to deal with elite readership Centrisity attracts…(oh, gawd)
    BWahahahahahah…both of ’em! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA…He can’t have Linda mopping the floor with his ass!!…HAHAHAHAHAHahahahaha

  7. I think Dave is correct and we will remember this Lt. Gov. as she will become the Governor, in practice, if not in fact.

  8. A 2 week vacation in Mexico? I’m sure the unemployed of Minnesota appreciate that. Not to sound like a liberal (while they were bashing Bush for every little thing), but that sounds a bit excessive.

  9. Chuck, she worked hard during the campaign. Imagine standing there behind Dayton, day after day, suppressing hysterical laughter with every last bit of your strength.

  10. She was in Cabo on official state business.

    Mexican Kombucha uses real sugar in the fermentation process, and Governor JimBeam loves him some fermentation sugar, so she fetched him some.

  11. Again, not to sound like a liberal (“how can you do that when people are starving”), but there are a lot of non-profits (such as food banks) hurting right now. Maybe a 1 week trip to Mexico (how much pot does she need to smoke), then come back and do some volunteer work and donate the savings to the Salvation Army (they are way behind their goals right now).

    If any one is asking, so as not to be a hypocrit, I am doing the financial work today for a non-profit.

  12. A 2 week vacation in Mexico? I’m sure the unemployed of Minnesota appreciate that.

    She’s just trying to follow in the footsteps of The Won in Washington.

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