Quote Of The Day

Speed Gibson on the deflation of the Vikings and, incidentally, The Dome:

[L]et’s hire some of Al Franken’s recount lawyers to charge the Vikings with breaking the [Collapsodome’s] lease for not living up to expectations.

When the Legislature reconvenes, I picture someone like Jason Lewis leading a procession to Mall of America Field as it’s now called, proclaiming: “Mr. Dayton, tear down this Dome!”

I could think of another host who could be persuaded.

He’s also show up at Winter Park to help ’em pack the morning after Zygi Wilf threatens to move the team to Los Angeles if they don’t ge ta stadium.

5 thoughts on “Quote Of The Day

  1. Dream on, Bears fan. You will be buying a new stadium for the Vikings. It’s not a question of if the MN GOP will cave, but when. The Target Metrodome. Has a kinda ring to it.

  2. Hey Kermit have you been to Target Field? Money well spent in my opinion. I break from you guys in this aspect, I’m a sports fan first and a conservative second. Sorry I’ve been following sports since I was 6, politics only since about 14-15

  3. Money well spent. The thing is built, but (what a shock!) the extra sales tax is still in place. The Henn Co Commission is working feverishly to figure out how to continue spending it. Maybe they can help RT Ryback build those last four $50,000 drinking fountains in Minneapolis.

  4. Ben, I have no problem with stadiums. I do have a problem with the public being expected to pay for them.

    If Zygi wants a new playground for his team he can build it wherever he wants. But like Kermit I think the GOP will cave on this, and on education, and on HHS, and on and on and on.

  5. I’ve always been against any of these stadiums being built on public money, but if the darn thing is going to be built anyway, build it in Anoka Cnty.

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